#imagine billy stranger things


Part 03 of 03

Pairing:Billy Hargrove X Reader

Word count: 2 K

Summary:You meet Billy during summer, and the deal was to have a good time before the season is over, before you go back home. But what if the only thing you’re scared of - love - starts to flourish?

<- Previous part (02)

A/N:I wanna thank my amazing friend, @multific, for all the help she gave me while writing this story. Make sure to check her work!!

A/N²:This chapter was inspired on the the song Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift.

{Stranger Things Masterlist}

{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}


Cruel Summer

Tomorrow this time, you’ll be in a plane, flying away from California. Away from him.

Billy was supposed to be just a fling, someone to hang around and have a good time with. Looking out the window, you recognize the familiar Camaro even in the darkness. Bily is so much more. You didn’t want to fall, but what could you do? He was like a fever dream in the quiet of the night, and you caught it. The perfect bad boy should be just a new shiny toy with a price.

But he’s so much more. He’s killing you slowly, down there standing next to his car, out the window, always waiting below. Biting your lip, you catch his eyes, the wink he send your way making you smile. Taking a deep breath, and with the usual burning sensation in your stomach, you push the window open, using the ladder you placed next to it to climb down.

It’s always like this. You come back home, just to sneak out again. Devils roll the dice, angel roll their eyes, and there you go, for another night in his arms.

“Come! Come!” He suddenly whisper-yells, and you increase your pace as he does the same, going to the driver’s seat.

“(Y/N)!” You hear your father’s thunder voice, and it makes you rush inside the car, pulling the door close. “What the hell do you think you’re going with this lowlife?”

“Drive!” You tell him, but you’re still speaking when he speeds away, a laugh escaping your lips. Looking back, you see your father taking a few steps forward, gesturing and yelling something you can’t hear.

“He’s gonna be mad,” Billy warns you.

“What doesn’t kill me makes me want you more.” You tell him winking with a bright smile, the adrenaline making you breathe fast. “Where are we going?”

“I wanna show you a special place.” He gives you a look, and you don’t quite understand.

“Why is it special, Billy?” For some reason, your voice comes out a little weak, as you try to push back the only thing that’s in your head.

The sirens, the warning signs you’ve been ignoring until now.

This is the last day.

This is the last time you’ll get to see Billy. Touch him. Kiss him.

You shouldn’t feel like this. It was obvious you’d end up missing him, like you’ll miss Heloise, Nathan, Mike, all the friends you made here. But this is different.

Love wasn’t the point here. Love was the only thing that couldn’t happen. Not like this, not when you’ll have to leave. But summer is a knife, and it cuts to the bone.


“Huh?” You mutter, looking through the window and wiping the tears away. You didn’t even notice you were crying.

“Hey.” He touches your thigh, but you can’t look at him. “Why are you crying? Wasn’t it good? The time we spent together?”

“Of course.” You’re quick to admit. The time you’re spent with Billy was amazing. And for that same reason, you feel your heart breaking. It feels like you can’t breathe, like there’s a weight on your chest, pressing your lungs. You’re bleeding, but he will be the last to know. “You gave me exactly what I wanted. We had a nice time, no strings attached and-” Clearing your throat, you take a deep breath. “-and I will certainly miss you.”

“I will miss you too. Very much.”

“Yeah. But you’ll find some other girl and then, well, you’ll be just fine.” Pushing his hand away, you keep looking away. “And so will I.” That’s not true. That’s very far from the truth. He stops the car, and by what you can see from the surroundings, it’s a cliff. You can hear the waves crashing down there, violently, as the night takes over, the last traces of the day vanishing.

“(Y/N), please, don’t do this. It’s our last day together.” There’s something in his voice too. Sadness? Maybe. He’s probably a little touched by your state. “Talk to me. Tomorrow morning I’ll leave you one block away from your house and I’ll have to watch you walk away for the last time.” He steps out of the car, pushing the door quite violently.

Gasping, you bite your lip. This isn’t how it was supposed to be. Today was supposed to be amazing. Now it’s ruined, because of you. Maybe you should’ve kept your mouth shut, to have him for one last time, all smirks and laughter. But you don’t want to keep secrets just to keep him. Holding your breath, the anger, mixed with way too many feelings to describe, you get out as well, pushing the door close just as violently as he did. “What do you want me to say?” You suddenly yell, many tears rolling down this time. There’s no way to hide it now, you’re crying like a baby. “That I snuck through the garden gate every night this summer to seal my fate?” Walking over him, you keep your hair away from your face when the wind pushes it against you.

“Only yours?” He snaps back, furrowing his eyebrows. “Stop acting like you’re the only one suffering.”

“Oh, yeah.” Throwing a hand in the air, you pace around, running a hand through your hair. “You just had a good time, Billy. But I? I got used to the shape of your body. You’re eyes, blue. So damn blue, Billy. How am I ever going to look at the ocean again without thinking of you?” The words just flow out, and you’re seeing everything blurry, a lump in your throat making it hard to keep your voice straight. “And I told myself this is cool. That we have no rules in our personal, breakable heaven, bound to break apart. With a goddamn expiration date.”


“It was amazing, yes. It was freaking amazing, but it has been a cruel summer with you, Billy Hargrove.” Cutting him off, you move to stand right in front of him, looking up into those eyes you’ll never forget, letting him see your tear-stained face. “I love you.” You scream for whatever it’s worth, the one sentence that has been terrifying you. But it doesn’t matter. You’re leaving anyway, it won’t change anything. Then you step back, look down and once again wipe the tears away. Breathing a little, trying to calm yourself down. “Ain’t that the worst you ever heard?” This last part comes out a whisper, barely heard above the wind.

“Definitely.” He mumbles, and when you look up, he’s grinning.

“What–” You’re cut short by a sudden motion, when he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you against his chest, placing a kiss on your lips.

It tastes salty from all your tears, but you don’t care. You just throw your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss, holding him. Because that’s the last time you’ll do it.

He only pulls away when the air is short, but he keeps you close, secure in his embrace. “Billy, I–”

“Don’t go.” He whispers, his chest vibrating. “Please.”

Shaking your head, you pull away, just enough to look up at him again. “You know I can’t, Billy.”

“Why?” With a hand on your face, you can understand what’s in his eyes now. Desperation, fear… And love. It makes you furrow your eyebrows, wondering if this could really be. If Billy Hargrove could have fallen for you. “You don’t like living with your father, you don’t like living with your mother. You don’t wanna be a lawyer. Stay here, with me. Take that photography course and you’ll have lots of jobs. This place is bursting with tourists, and you’d make enough money to get your life started.”

Everything he says makes you cry again. But this time, it’s because you’re imagining it. Living in California, building an actual home, doing something you love. It’s paradise. “I-it’s a lot of work, Billy. I-I’d have to pay rent and–”

“I’m asking you to move in with me.” He says with a giggle, his forehead touching yours. “I fell in love with you during summer… And all summers end, but I don’t want us to end. I tried so hard not to because I knew you’d leave, but… It happened. You stole my heart and I can’t lose you. I don’t know if someone can die from a lost love but I don’t wanna find out.” Billy speaks his heart, and you’re holding his shirt, like holding on to dear life. “You can leave and go on with an unhappy life, forever scared of love. Or you can stay with me, and let me show you what love truly is. It’s real, and we’ve been living it.”

“Billy…” You beg, closing your eyes, your own heart claiming, begging, pleading for him.

“We’re not going to make your parent’s mistakes. We’ll make it right, you and I. Please, (Y/N).” With a finger under your chin, Billy makes you look at him, so you open your eyes. “Don’t leave me. Don’t throw away a chance of happiness for a miserable life.”

He’s right. Billy is so damn right, and having this, knowing this, that he wants you, that he loves you, you know you can’t do it. You can’t go back. Not when you can stay with the man you love, <who loves you>, in the city you also fell in love with. “All my stuff is packed up.” You mutter, chuckling lightly. “We just need to go get it.”

“A-are you for real?”


“Are you going to stay?”

“Yeah!” You jump on him, legs wrapping around his waist. Billy is quick to hold you up, his lips crashing on yours.

And it’s perfect. The wind, the waves, the view of the city down there. And Billy, kissing you, holding you. You wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Soon enough you’re back home, and it’s a mess. As you run upstairs with Billy to get your things, your father says that if you do this, you’ll be dead to him. But you don’t even answer. The only thing you do is hug your stepmother, and whisper in her ear the name of the lover your father had here, and advise her to divorce him. Then, you’re out.

On the next day, in the evening, you’re not in a plane with your heart broken, flying away. You’re in Billy’s arms, watching an awful movie that only makes you laugh. Summer is almost over, but other summers will come. And you want to have Billy for all the seasons.


“Yes, princess?” He asks, placing a kiss on your shoulder. You’re the little spoon on usual, your back pressed against his chest.

“I think it’s gonna rain later today.”

“…Alright?” He chuckles, and so do you at his confusion. “And what about that?”

“I wanna you to kiss me in the rain.” The mention of the cliche makes you blush, but since you’re looking away, he won’t notice.

“I’m down for it, but…” Billy makes you turn around, thumb and index finger under your chin. “…Only in the rain?”

“When it rains. When it’s sunny.” Turning your body completely towards his, you wrap your arms around his neck. “During the day, and during the night. On every season.”

“Mmm… Sounds like the perfect idea.” And once again, he kisses you. And as it is every time, you feel that familiar, delicious burning sensation in your stomach.

You’re his, and he is yours. Love is real, and this summer was the best summer of your life. Until now, because you’re sure the next ones will be far better.



Part 02 of 03

Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader

Word count: 1.3 K

Summary:You meet Billy during summer, and the deal was to have a good time before the season is over, before you go back home. But what if the only thing you’re scared of - love - starts to flourish?

<- Previous part (01)

Next part (03)->

A/N:I wanna thank my amazing friend, @multific, for all the help she gave me while writing this story. Make sure to check her work!!

A/N²:This chapter was inspired on the the song Bleach Blonde by This Century.

{Stranger Things Masterlist}

{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}


Bleach Blonde

Billy felt frustrated before. When he couldn’t get the girl he wanted or when he had put way too much effort just to be left hanging.

But this time is different.

He understands perfectly now where the line is draw with her. Where the girl who wants a quick, meaningless relationship ends and where the hopeless romantic starts. That’s why she doesn’t want to get intimate. Well, that’s why she doesn’t want sex. Because it’s too late to question intimacy now. Not after they’ve been sharing the bed every night, not after she has half her wardrobe here. Not after they’ve spent all this time together, on one another, making out until they’re out of breath.

But, for the very first time, Billy isn’t frustrated.

It’s been a long year, a long night. He didn’t get much sleep tonight, looking at her sleeping face on his chest, feeling her soft breathing, and thinking. Billy took a shot of love for the first time, and he’s been trying to keep it together inside.

This was supposed to be an agreement, one he was more than happy to make. (Y/N) caught his attention from the very first moment, and after that, everything pulled him to her. Not only her looks since he’s convinced he has never seen someone so beautiful, but also her voice, her eyes, her smile. How kind she is, the gentle way she touches him, the silly jokes she makes that never fail to make him laugh. She awoke something inside Billy, something he didn’t even know was there.

“Good morning.” Her sleepy voice mutters, hand moving on his bare chest. “I know you’re awake.”

“I am.” He answers, a smile on his lips. “Good morning princess.” Billy moves, pushing her on her back and climbing on top of her. Her smaller frame was just one more thing he liked. God, even her flaws made him like her more. How’s that even possible? “You know what day is today?”

“No…?” (Y/N) mumbles, furrowing her eyebrows and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“My day off. Which means we have the entire day for ourselves.” He says right before kissing her, a soft peck on the lips before he moves to kiss her neck. The girl giggles, hands moving to touch his side.

“I wanna go to the beach.”

“Mhmm…” He only mutters, biting her soft skin.

“Billy! I thought we agreed on no biting.” She makes that cute voice, the one that almost sounds like a little whine.

Billy stops, a smirk on his lips as he looks at her once again. “You’ll ask for it one day.”

“Let’s wait and see.” She sits up, stretching her arms above her head. Billy can see the soft skin of the nape of her neck before her hair hides it from him. “You promised me a beach day, so let’s get our things ready.” (Y/N) stands up, walking to the bathroom.

“You need to stop home.” He forces himself to say, even though he doesn’t want her to go. Both because he starts missing her the moment she’s away and because he’s well aware of how she hates being home. But it’s better this way, better than her father pissing her off.

“I’ll tell dad I went for a morning walk with Heloise.” Her voice comes from the bathroom, and then the water starts running.

“I know, princess. Just stop by and I can pick you up so we can watch the sunset. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Tension is building up, (Y/N) told him, with the new lover and her stepmother suspicious. She won’t say anything, she doesn’t think she can. Or should. Billy wants her to stay with him all day long, every day. But he has to think about the place she has to go back to.

“Alright.” She agrees, but he can tell by the tone of her voice she’s doing it because she has to, not because she wants to.

But this is just how life is right now, and it’s up to him to look after her even when she doesn’t look after herself.

Billy leaves her a block away from her place, watching as she walks the rest of the way. And his heart, at least half of it, goes with her. Driving back home, he has one hand hanging out the window, hair being messed up by the wind.

He’s struggling to give her up. Billy knows this has an expiration date, that he will lose her, and that’s killing him. Suffocating him. He never fell in love, and it happens to the very girl he knows he can’t have. Not forever, like he wants. Like he needs. Back home, he goes on with his day, waiting to see her again.

Hours later, too late for his taste, he meets her on the same place he left her earlier. She’s wearing a light white dress, see-through, giving away the bikini underneath. (Y/N) leans over him the moment she gets inside the car, placing a kiss on his lips.

The sun is starting to make its way down when they get to their favorite part of the beach. There are a few people around, and when they reach the sand, (Y/N) takes her dress off, pulling it over her head. And Billy can’t help but stare. Not only stare but admire her beauty. She turns around, wind messing her bleach blonde hair, and a smile on her face like she knows what’s up. Like she knows what’s in his head. “Are you going to get rid of that shirt and join me in the water or will I have to rip it off and pull you with me?”

His heart is restless, and there’s a pressure in his chest that grows every passing day. But right now, if she don’t care, then he don’t care. “Right away, princess.” Billy takes his shirt off, leaves it on the sand next to her dress, and starts running to the ocean. She starts running as well, but he reaches her, an arm around her waist as he lifts her up. God, she smells amazing. She looks amazing, tastes amazing. Her sunkissed skin shines on forever, almost blinding him, driving him insane.

They swim for a while, and Billy has her in his arms the whole time. They make out, chat and laugh. And feeling her this close is paradise. Heaven. She’s this and that, and everything in between, a secret word only he knows the meaning. And Billy has no idea how he could go so long without her. And how the hell is he going to live when she’s gone?

And as the night falls, they keep walking through the beach. He took her to the same deck they met for the first time, and they stand there, taking in the moonlight. Holding her hand, his thumb caresses her soft skin. “Same routine today?” (Y/N) asks, looking at him.

“I’ll be waiting below.” He answers, lost in the stars of her eyes. Blinded by the light. “I wish you could stay with me longer.” The words come out, as a hand cups her cheek.

“We already spend all the time we can together.” The girl giggles, closing her eyes under his touch.

“I know. But it’s not enough.” He admits, sighing.

“I’m sorry.” She whispers, arms encircling his midsection, her head on his chest. “We still have time.”

“We do.” But not too much. He’s counting down the days, waiting for the heartbreak. Him, who broke way too many hearts, will have his broken for the first time. Billy wants an endless summer, asking as he gets to spend it with her. Maybe if he prays hard enough… Maybe.

Probably not.


