#imagine enola holmes


Forever tag:@missmelodramatic,@theletterhart,@alex–awesome–22,@elllie-does-the-posts,@floatlosers,@merlieve,@queen-of-books,@glimmering-darling-dolly,@denkisclown,@automaticbakeryfreakshoe,@meyocoko,@bubblybrianna,@october-leaves,@kazbekkarluvbot​,@freyathehuntress,@maddithehugenerd​​

Summary: Emotions run high in the Bridgerton household with a wedding around the corner.

 ​Daphne made her way across maidens that were running around the place. A kitchen maid came hurdling in with packs of flour under her arms. Daphne swiftly moved around her, avoiding a colliding with the flour. She went into a corridor finding her sister Hyacinth, dreamingly humming a song. Daphne exhaled deep, relieved to see her. – “I heard it was urgent!” – breathed Daphne out. Hyacinth stopped dancing around, gasping at the sight of her sister. – “Daphne! You are here!” – exclaimed she, taking her sisters hands in hers. – “Yes, I am.” – replied Daphne, touching Hyacinth’s cheek with her thumb. Daphne was about to speak when she heard loud rumbling, followed by a familiar voice. – “This is madness!” – called Benedict out, throwing his hands up. 

His eyebrow quirked up at the sight of his sisters. Once he saw Daphne, stomped he over to her. – “You better fix this!” – pleaded he, almost begging her as it was getting to much for him. Daphne inhaled sharply, looking past her brother to the way he came from. Walking past him, went she on. Benedict let himself fall into one of the chairs, rubbing his eyes from exhaustion. Colin was pacing around, mumbling to himself, and scratching his hair. Not far from Colin, sat Gregory down on the ground with his hands in his hair. – “Oh, my…” – expressed Daphne at the state of her brothers. – “Where is mama?” – questioned she, walking up to Colin. – “Inside.” – pointed Colin out, hearing a moment later arguing from inside.

It made Gregory inhale sharply, widening his eyes more at the shouts. – “They’ve been at it almost all morning.” – confessed Colin. Daphne noticed the weary look on him, placing her hand on his shoulder. Daphne reached her hand out to the doorknob. A slight hesitation in her, not knowing what to find on the other side of the door. – “Don’t open it!” – called Francesca out, holding her hand out in an attempt to stop her. Her comment made Daphne turn around, bringing her hand closer to her body again. – “Oh, please do, Daphne.” – grinned Eloise, stepping beside Francesca, holding a box of chocolates in her hand. – “I have been dying to see another spectacle!” – She threw a chocolate in her mouth, pleasantly chewing on it. – “Benedict lasted exactly fifteen minutes in there.” – continued she with a smile on her face. – “He lasted longer than I would give him credit for.” – she snorted soft, finding herself amusing. 

Francesca shook her head with a soft sigh. “It is your own life you are risking.” – With Eloise’s final words, dared Daphne to open the door. She swung the door open as the voices in argument got louder. Sweeping her off her feet. Through the opening of the door, saw she Anthony and mama argue loudly. Sucking it up, entered Daphne gracefully. She shut the door behind her. Eloise spurted to the door, wanting to listen in and peek through the keyhole. – “Don’t be absurd, Eloise.” – pitched Francesca in. Eloise shushed her, wanting to hear it all. – “I say she lasts twenty minutes inside.” – betted she against herself with a smirk on her face. Francesca sighed loud, scooting Eloise aside. She came kneeling beside her, wanting to hear as well. Daphne brought her hand to her mouth, seeing Anthony and mama argue fiercely. 

It took them a second to acknowledge Daphne in the room. Anthony straightened his back, turning to his sister. – “You came.” – said he, his hands folded neatly behind his back. Daphne nodded as Violet stepped up to her. – “It’s wonderful to see you.” – she kissed Daphne on the cheek. – “Where is Y/n?” – questioned Daphne curious. – “Here!” – answered you, stepping from behind some panels that shielded you. You were far from fully dressed. Still needing to put on your mousseline dress. At the sight of you smiled Anthony. – “My sweet sister.” – said he, holding his hand out to you. With an extended hand, went you up to him. Placing your hand in his, sought you out help at Daphne. “Shouldn’t Y/n, be ready?” – spoke Daphne, poking at the argument again, unwillingly. 

“She should be!” – insisted Violet, glaring at her eldest son. – “I already told you mother; I know what is best for Y/n!” – Violet laughed loud, finding her son amusing. Anthony clenched his jaw at his mothers humor. – “As her mother, I know what is best for her!” – spewed Violet right back at him. Daphne couldn’t quite follow what the argument was about. Anthony turned around, fetching a soft pink mousseline dress. – “Y/n looks radiant in soft pink!” – called he out loud. Violet waved her hand away, ridiculing his choice of dress. Violet took a hold of her own dress, showing Anthony a graceful white mousseline dress. – “White is the proper standard!” – replied she politely with a mockingly smile.

Pink!” – hissed Anthony out, shoving the dress closer to you. – “White!” – answered Violet, raising her voice to overpower his tone. – “Pink!” – repeated Anthony, practically, showcasing the dress against your figure. – “White!” – insisted Violet, presenting her dress over Anthony’s. – “Help me.” – said you to Daphne, who was still trying to process the bickering. – “White is a standard color for a wedding dress!” – spread Violet out loud. – “You know that!” Anthony gritted his teeth, tossing his dress over a chair. – “Fine! If you insist on white, we’ll have it your way, mother!” – responded he, sounding a bit belittling. Violet hummed victorious, handing you the white dress. – “Put this on darling.” – asked she with a sugary sweet smile. She pushed you back towards the panels as you disappeared behind it. – “I cannot believe you.” – said Daphne, shaking the shock off her. – “Both of you!” – corrected she herself, looking on each turn to them. 

Anthony swallowed nervously, looking away. Violet started fumbling her dress, looking ashamed at the ground. – “Have any of you taken a true interest in Y/n? or are you only putting your own matters at hand?” – Daphne crossed her arms, shaking her head at her families behavior. Exhaling deep, understood she how frantically Benedict rushed out of the room. You cleared your throat, coming back in sight to present them with the white wedding dress. Immediately saw you a change in their expression. Violet gasped in delight, bringing her hands to her chest. Anthony was gaping at you, finding you suddenly more mature then you were to him. You opened your hands a bit, slowly stepping in a circle to present you fully to them. – “And?” – asked you, pressing your hands against your side. 

Daphne took the word, walking up to you. – “As perfect as the day you were born.” – complimented she. It made you smile, hugging Daphne warmly. Anthony cleared his throat a bit, turning around to a table. There let he his fingers glide over some jewels. He smiled pleasingly at a ruby necklace. Carefully picking it up, returned he to you. He held it near your neck, smiling beyond himself. Violet rolled with her eyes, going over to the table as well. Anthony nodded intriguing at you, letting you know it was a good choice. Daphne had her doubts, tilting her head a bit to the side. Violet returned with a pearl necklace, smiling. She pushed Anthony’s hand down with her own, wanting her own display to be presented. She smiled at Daphne, trying to win her over with her choice. Anthony huffed loud, moving his choice of necklace above his mothers. – “Daphne!” – said he, wanting to have her on his side. 

Violet shook her head, glaring at Anthony. – “Pearls, it brings out her eyes.” – sugar coated Violet. Anthony pushed her necklace away, holding the rubies up again. – “Rubies, bring the attention to her face.” – hissed Anthony out. Violet and Anthony were on the brink of bickering again as you could only stand there perfectly still. Not wanting to upset either one of them. – “Mama, Anthony please.” – begged Daphne, not wanting things to escalate again. “It is Y/n’s wedding day, please try to be reconsidering.” – begged she, folding her hands in a praying gesture. – “You are right.” – answered Anthony, turning towards you. – “Y/n, Rubies right!” – asked he with a smile that hinted more than a simple greeting. You swallowed nervously as mama also presented you the pearls.

“Listen to your dear mother. Take the pearls.” – she kept moving the pearls closer to you. Both of them kept insisting their own jewels at you. Waving your hand in front of you, felt you suddenly hot. Cramped, cornered. You didn’t want to disappoint any of them. – “Enough!” – called Daphne out loud, startling both of them. – “Can you not see how suffocating you are towards her!” – you breathed shakily, stumbling a bit back. Anthony and Violet were staring at you, focusing on you. – “Please…” – said you with a deep swallow. – “I…I… I can’t continue like this.” – confessed you, waving your hand for some cool. You felt like crying and running away at the same time. Just pull all those pins out of your hair and ugly cry your way out of this room. You never cared for appearances, all you wanted was for Tewkesbury to simply find you beautiful. Whatever the rest thought didn’t matter. – “I love both of you, I do… but please…” – you felt tears come up from how shaky your voice sounded. 

Anthony took a step back, bowing to you. – “I am sorry sister.” – said he out loud, feeling suddenly ashamed of his behavior. Violet lowered the jewels in her hand, apologizing as well. – “Let us leave, allowing Y/n to continue to prepare. She has lost a lot of time.” – Daphne gestured to the door, wanting them both to leave. She opened her hand so that they could place the necklaces in hers. In silence left they the room. For a split second saw you the surprised expressions on your siblings faces. Daphne exhaled deep, feeling suddenly lighter. – “Thank you.” – said you, hugging her. Daphne pressed you close to her body. – “I didn’t know how much longer I would keep it together.” – breathed you out, squeezing her body. She giggled softly, questioning what the family would ever do without her. Clearly run around in chaos like headless chickens. – “Now prepare, your Viscount is waiting.” – whispered she. With a last goodbye kiss against your forehead, left she the room as well. 

As a silence fell upon the room, needed you a moment to sit down. To give some peace to the swirling chaos in your head. In a few hours would you be a Viscountess. If you said yes of course. Why was this even a question, of course you were going to say yes to Tewkesbury. He was the love of your life. You didn’t want to spend another moment apart from him. The balls you went to with him were a delight but always had you to say goodbye when it ended. From the moment you met him, knew you, he was the one. That deep love, Daphne talked about so much. You shot up, hearing the door open. Thankfully it were just some maids, entering to assist you with the final touches. You choice a necklace for yourself as well as a diadem. Feeling truly ready, nodded you at the maid near the door to open it. The door opened slowly as you heard whispers slip through. They reached you ears, till they suddenly died out. 

All eyes turning towards you in awe. Anthony was beyond himself, smiling proudly at you. Gregory poked Hyacinth in the side, squinting his eyes amusingly at you. Benedict and Colin slowly nodded approving. Eloise hated to admit it, but you looked more ready for marriage then she thought you would. Violet was the proudest of all, close to tears. Daphne pressed her lips together to let it sink in. Her sister, suddenly not so little anymore. Francesca was gaping at you, stunned by your beauty. – “Well.” – said you, wanting to get a reaction out of them. – “Beautiful, absolutely beautiful.” – said Colin as first, gleaming with pride. Benedict moved his hand to his mouth, suppressing a loud sob that he didn’t want to express. You smiled from ear to ear, walking out of the room, into the warm presence of your family. 

Tewkesbury stood at the front. His eyes were glued onto the long path that would bring you to him. His eyes glided to the seats, seeing your family sit down with a smile on their faces. Exhaling deep, released he some nerves from his shoulders. All eyes turned to the back when Francesca appeared. Her pace slow and graceful as she stared smilingly in front of her. Near Tewkesbury, curtsied she. Tewkesbury bowed to her, before she took her place as your bridesmaid. It was time for you to appear. For you to show yourself and walk up to your husband to be. Music filled the church you were in. Feeling a bit nervous, took you a deep breath. – “I love you so much, Y/n.” – whispered Anthony to you, leaning a bit closer to you. – “It is an honor to give you away.” – he smiled, pressing a kiss against your cheek. 

Smiling, allowed you Anthony to guide you down the aisle. At the sight of Tewkesbury, felt you tingly. He had a way of messing with your head, forgetting about your surroundings for a moment. Tewkesbury widened his eyes at the sight of you. His lovely bride. His Viscountess. Anthony moved in front of you, kissing your hand, before taking a seat next to his mother. Tewkesbury and you greeted each other. He with a bow, you with a curtsy. Taking his hand, walked you up the last few steps to be at his level. Your hand still in his, let he his thumb stroke yours. Glancing over your shoulder, saw you Francesca nod agreeingly. Staring intensely at each other, said you, your vows. 

Swearing each other loyalty and care. The priest gestured with his hand, letting you know you could seal the marriage with a kiss. Tewkesbury took a step closer to you, bringing his hand up to your cheek. – “My Viscountess.” – whispered he underneath his breath. – “My Viscount.” – whispered you back. Your lips collided with his, having longed for them for so long. You can’t believe how many time has passed since you first met him. Everything you endure with him. The lonely nights, wishing for him to be near. The love letters. The passing glances. Stolen touches. No more hiding. 

Tewkesbury and you were one now. Never to be apart. Bound to one another. You were his and he was yours. No one was going to take that away now. Finally married came all your dreams out. A life with Tewkesbury. Your gentleman that rescued you from a rebellious mission to a ribbon shop. That wasn’t afraid of your brother’s judgement. That defied every woman, just having eyes for you. You had to squeeze yourself to make it feel real. Taking his hand, turned you towards your family. Your family that you loved to the core. It would be a change, to not always be around. But you promised to barge in so many times, they might get tired of you. 

ewkesbury brought your hand up, kissing the top of it. – “I love you Y/n.” – whispered he in your ear. You couldn’t suppress a smile, kissing his cheek. – “I love you too Tewkesbury. Now and forever.” – with the carriage ready, followed everyone you outside. Anthony couldn’t help himself but give some last brotherly warning to Tewkesbury. You heard snippets of it, containing something about him better never breaking your heart. You hugged your sisters, wishing them all well. Promising to be back soon. Your brothers had a hard time, watching you go, but with much pain in their heart, waved they you goodbye. 

Wishing you much luck on the new chapter of your life. Begging you to not forget about them. You could never, but now it was time to focus on Tewkesbury for a while. The two of you got in the carriage, sharing another delightful kiss. With a new horizon set upon, road you off. Off towards your happily ever after. 


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