#imma drag his ass through entire multiverse

 Giving Victoro a new design for a new adventure in the Feywild 8)) He got his ass kicked back to le

Giving Victoro a new design for a new adventure in the Feywild 8)) He got his ass kicked back to level 1 but is keeping both his Barovia and Waterdeep backstories so it’s gonna be an interesting new beginning :)

some item details: Vic carries an inactive Tome of Understanding as a memento of his past and gone 22 WIS (T_T), skulls of his old familiars (one of which was a skull of a dead mage, he hopes to talk to him again when he will regain his Speak with Dead powers, maybe this time ask him his name, cos funny enough, this selfish brat never did it), and a notebook full of unsent letters to his wife who is trapped in a mirror that’s locked in a bag that’s stashed in the Ninth layer of Hell T_T

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