

Thank you for your donation to the Black Trans Travel Fund, a mutual-aid project developed in order to help provide Black transgender women with the financial resources needed to be able to self-determine safer alternatives to travel, where women feel less likely to experience verbal harassment or physical harm.

Donate ANY amount directly to an organization that supports Black Trans communities and/or efforts to defund the police and dismantle the systematic racism in the American justice system, and I’ll give you a tarot or scrying reading! Click here to learn how.


You asked what to do with your current spiritual momentum. For this question, I pulled two cards from the Buddha Tarot, which uses stories from the Buddha’s life and Buddhist Sutras to share wisdom and lessons from the buddha dharma.

The Flaming Disk is similar to the Tower - it represents tranformation, change, and letting go of your ego and pride to move into a whole new level of spiritual awakening. The card depicts the moment from the Buddha’s life just before he reaches enlightenment as he meditates beneath a tree. Siddhartha has one last obstacle in his way: the demon Mara hurls a large flaming disk at him. Instead of running or defending himself, Siddhartha recognizes that the flames are not actually a danger and in a moment of complete unattachment he lets go and flower petals rain down on him instead of fire.

With this card reversed, you are seeing something in your life as flames instead of flowers. This is your sign or nudge that whatever is scaring you or worrying you the most in moving forward in your spiritual journey can’t actually hold you back from making progress. Knowing this, take the plunge in whatever you’ve been seeking to do and let go of the concerns that have been keeping you from it. It may be difficult or very challenging, but if you do so you’ll be able to grow to the next level in your practice.

The second card I pulled is the Six of Double Vajras. The suite of Double Vajras is about taking action, and for this card it’s about motherly action. Someone in your life (could be any gender or relation to you) is trying to bring some nuturing, loving energy into your life. You have someone looking out for you who wants to help support you. I have a sense that it may be a spirit of someone you know who has passed away or an ancestor who wants to come forward for you and let you know that you’re not alone in the challenges in your plate at the moment. If you are comfortable doing so, I recommend following up on that with a prayer of acknowledgement and gratitude or a small offering to say thank you.
