#implied neck injury


Say hello to the subject of one of my writing projects, Ezra. That’s gonna be one hell of a dark story, but I hope people can find some connection and catharsis in it once I get around to posting it.

Reblog if you click like, please! Do not use my art without permission.

[ID: A chest-up drawing of an original character, Ezra Day. Ezra is a brown skinned native man with shoulder length hair, partially pulled up into a bun at the back of his head. He is wearing a loose grey tank top, and bandages wrapped loosely around his neck. He is looking off to the side, and has dark bags under his eyes. He looks upset, bordering on distressed, and is standing in front of a large glass window, behing which a blurry cityscape can be seen. The lighting comes from behind him, casting most of his front in shadow. End ID.]
