#important stuff to read



This month I made a whole blog post about online accessibility, hoping to help to make the art community and content online accessible.

Here are some core principles about online accessibility:
To sum up, accesiblity is a pretty broad term used by the disabled community to express our right to have access at all places, informations, interactions, just as abled people do. It doesn’t mean that we, as disabled people, have to interact with the environment the same way abled people do: it means that we should have equal access toand enjoy places, informations, interactions, services. Hence, online accessiblity is about making sure you are not excluding anyone: make your texts easily readable, make your pictures and videos understandable for everyone.
In this post, I present you how you can make your texts more readable, & how to make your artworks you post online and videos more accessible.

The post is here: https://mibyle.com/2022/04/19/artists-make-your-work-more-accessible/
