#in a world

 In a World…Written and directed by Lake BellUSA, 2013 Watched on 1st June 2014First viewing

In a World…
Written and directed by Lake Bell
USA, 2013

Watched on 1st June 2014
First viewing

In a World… is Lake Bell’s debut feature as writer and director. She also stars as Carol Solomon, a voice coach and budding voice-over artist. When the producers of dystopian sci-fi quadrilogy The Amazon Games plan to resurrect the late Don LaFontaine’s “in a world” catchphrase for the trailer, Carol aims to be the first woman to utter the words, pitting her in direct competition with her father, veteran voice-over artist Sam Sotto (Fred Melamed).

I absolutely loved this film. It’s a sweet and unexpectedly touching story, with a great cast including Demetri Martin, Michaela Watkins, Rob Corddry and many more. I share Bell’s fascination with accents, dialects and voice artists, and the comedy is pitch perfect. I’ll definitely be getting hold of my own copy, it’s a lovely pick-me-up movie – 90 minutes of utter delight.

Post link

I love, love, loved this film and pretty much walked into it blind to begin with (what I would give to have a decent indie theater closer to home…). Lake Bell has turned me into a huge fan of hers as I really kind of fell in love with her while watching this funny and touching film. The fact that she wrote and directed it as well just serves as even a bigger turn on for me as she has the talent to match her looks, humor, and charm. Every year at least one film sneaks up on me and end up on my top ten list, and this almost surely will end up being that film for 2013. I am never one to understate the importance of a strong supporting cast, and this film is a prime example of how a supporting cast that’s busting with comedic talent to spare can really elevate a film to a whole other level of greatness.


#in a world #lake bell #rob corddry #film review #movie review 