#in case its not obvious in the first 400 some words


I started a fill for an “Everyone on The Revenge is some kind of creature AU” prompt, but with other fics currently taking precedence, I don’t know when/if I’ll get around to finishing it. So here, have the snippet for WIP Wednesday ^_^

They said that birds of a feather flocked together. Turns out that Creatures were no different.

“I literally just saw a posting,” Lucius said, hand waving to encompass the absurdity of that. Oluwande nodded. “It was tacked up by the butcher’s. ‘Pirate Crew Wanted’ in this fancy script, real nice parchment, he must have paid the printer a fortunefor it. And I figured why not. Let’s check it out. If the Captain’s open-minded enough to keep a scribe on board — and crazy enough to advertise — maybe he won’t give a damn about my pedigree.” They both stared up at the helm where Stede was having some argument with Buttons, pointing towards the sea and shaking his head. “I considered myself lucky when he signed me on, but now…”

“Now you wonder if he realizes?” Oluwande asked.


“I mean same, man.” Oluwande gestured towards his mouth, lips folded carefully over his teeth. “Obviously I wasn’t reading any fancy postings, but a friend of a friend mentioned that a new captain was accepting Creatures on board, so… yeah. Exactly. Why not try? I was realblunt with him, you know? Made all kinds of promises about how I’d never feed on the crew, but I’d need to occasionally make port for food, you know the drill. Captain just muttered something about me being the second crew member obsessed with cannibalism. Cannibalism?” Oluwande’s face pinched, drawing a laugh out of Lucius. “Then I come on board and fuck, he’s got livestock and an actual barrel of blood for some fancy pudding, I don’t even know. Never been this full in my life, but… it’s weird, isn’t it? You think if I just, like, showedhim my fangs he’d catch on?”

For a moment they watched Stede speaking emphatically while Buttons steadily removed his clothes. Finally their captain threw up his hands and retreated below deck, thus missing when Buttons grew gills and dove over the ship’s side.

“I think he’d compliment you on your very excellent dental care,” Lucius drawled.

“Jesus Christ.”

His eyes slid towards Oluwande, languid and inviting. “You know, if you ever didget hungry, I’m available. It’s not like a bit of lost blood is gonna do me in.”

“Really?” Oluwande snorted. “For a price though, right?”

“Well yeah, but I’m not exactly picky. I don’t want your firstborn.” Lucius gave an exaggerated shudder. “Just give me a small portion of your lunch. Or offer a back-rub if you’re feeling frisky. Trades can be anything, really. Our reputation has gotten a bit ridiculous if you ask me, especially since I’m not the one who bites.”

“…Yeah, alright. Fair enough. Thanks.”

They were content for a time to just watch the water, a flash of gold that might have been Button’s hair occasionally surfacing between the waves. Lucius cocked his head at the display, considering.

“Huh. I assume the whole 'can’t cross moving water’ thing is bullshit then?” he asked.

“Oh yeah. Total bullshit.”
