#in dashboard


More in-dashboard codes for Stylus ( part 1)

16x9 banner uncropped:

.gIm1l, .gIm1l .LZlfJ {height: 30vh;}

Hiding the username handles:

.mFd_o {display:none}
.vfPi2 {margin-bottom:10px}

Hiding the large circular links:

.uk9FI {display:none}

Matching scrollbar:

.DCCfo.kXP4L::-webkit-scrollbar {
background: var(–blog-background-color);}
.DCCfo.kXP4L::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border:3px solid var(–blog-background-color);}

More in-dashboard codes for Stylus ( part 1)

16x9 banner uncropped:

.gIm1l, .gIm1l .LZlfJ {height: 30vh;}

Hiding the username handles:

.mFd_o {display:none}
.vfPi2 {margin-bottom:10px}

Hiding the large circular links:

.uk9FI {display:none}

Matching scrollbar:

.DCCfo.kXP4L::-webkit-scrollbar {
background: var(–blog-background-color);}
.DCCfo.kXP4L::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border:3px solid var(–blog-background-color);}

Hide the “Blogs like this one” gap on the new in-dashboard (chrome):

1.Download Stylus

2.Click the Stylus button in the extensions area

3.Click “Write style for: … this URL”

4.Paste this code in the provided space:

.vM8CJ {display:none}
.pKQCB {max-width: 580px;}
.raBdW {max-width: 580px;}

5. Click save.

Hide the “Blogs like this one” gap on the new in-dashboard (chrome):

1.Download Stylus

2.Click the Stylus button in the extensions area

3.Click “Write style for: … this URL”

4.Paste this code in the provided space:

.vM8CJ {display:none}
.pKQCB {max-width: 580px;}
.raBdW {max-width: 580px;}

5. Click save.
