#in exchange for getting to pet it whenever they want



where is the Frenchie fanfic he deserves scenarios, too

GOD he so does?? I have this plot bunny in my head about Frenchie getting a cat. Like maybe the Revenge stops somewhere to restock supplies. Izzy forces Frenchie to go with him and Fang (since he can’t carry shit with his injured foot and Ivan has to stay back and guard Jim), and while on shore, a stray cat starts following them. Frenchie notices it and tries to tell the others, but every time they look, the cat is nowhere to be seen. They make it back to the ship without further incidents, but then later that night, when Frenchie goes to sleep, he discovers the very same cat in his room. He tries to chase it away, but it’s all very halfhearted and feeble bc he’s scared and lonely and missing Wee John and the others like hell, and the cat is very friendly and cuddly, so he decides to keep it… except it turns out that the cat really is a witch, and it starts causing havoc around the ship to protect Frenchie from his captors. And there’s a whole side plot of Izzy realising there’s probably a cat on board, and losing his mind trying to discover it, like Chef Skinner looking for Remy in Ratatouille
