#in space with markiplier


me rn waiting on the trailer:


man wrote a whole new song waiting for us

(the other side of things)


“I trusted you, Captain!”


Finally finished! This project took me a little longer than I thought It would.


We all know that we as a captain are VERY strong so like we totally could just pick Mark up and yk carry him around and hold him gently haha just a thought


uh, how long were you in that room, buddy?


And uh, thank you… for uh, not giving up on me. Just… thank you

This moment has permission to live forever rent free in my head

Also also just gonna say,,, I am willing to make ship playlists for specific ISWM characters,,, I already did Space Mark and Mack playlists but if y’all want like,,, lets say Noir!Mark you can request it,,,

But also if you just wanna be like “what song would you give for angst Captain and Mack” then that’s all great too! Just gotta be specific with those

Wilf and Gunther have different and yet the same energy

Love of my life

Yancy wants to show us what he’s been working on since we last saw him

Warf in Space!

Backgrounds are murder
