#markiplier meme



my ‘creations’ with the meme. clearly, they are:

markiplier at the water park,

markiplier escaping an explosion,

markiplier jumping off a plane

In honor of Mark not understanding our obsession with “Don’t”… you get this atrocity

Me:getting home from work after midnight and starting my deep delve into In Space With Markiplier

Everyone:“Bob looks like Doctor Eggman from Sonic!”

Me, an intellectual:


Dont know if someone already did this but I thought it was clever

change as needed.

“I can’t do anything calmly. You know me.”
“So, you don’t need a rooster for the eggs?”
“I know you’ve got that condition where you’re a bitch.”
“How long until we get to ketchup?”
“If you need me to delay, text me. I will delay.”
“Excuse me. Excuse me! Excuse me!”
“I’ve been thinking to myself: hey, I don’t like green beans that much, and I don’t know why!”
“For kids to not know what Harry Potter is, I feel like a big boomer, you know? ‘Cause I’m like, spouting about Harry Potter and they’re like ‘what’s that? I only know tiktok.’”
“What incident did you have? Tell us about your past.”
“You know, when someone’s just walking down the hall and you just, take their shoulders and then you just ram your knee up their ass as hard as you can.”
“You lied to me! You’ve never done cocaine!”
“My sex appeal is well established in reality but maybe in the other world, my sex appeal carries over and I’ve got some ghosts fawning over me.”
“You cook it up on a skriddle. Skittle? Hold on, that’s not it. Griddle! Wait, what’s the one that starts with an S?”
“Why is Jeffree Star in an old wheelchair?”
“I had to deflate it ‘cause it wouldn’t fit in the car!”
“You kicked me in the dick!”
“How do you feel about my genitals?”
“If a president came up to you and said ‘I need to have sex with you for the goodness of the nation,’ what would you do?”
“What if we accidentally did blackface?”
“Oh my god, we have to watch 2 girls 1 cup!”
“Good God! I could have gone my whole life!”

change pronouns as needed.

“Do I look like Jeff Bezos? That capitalist pig.”
“This is what it means to go even further beyond!”
“You think I can fit my thick ass through there?”
“Were pirates real?”
“I cleaned this damn pool.”
“Even when you’re quiet, you’re mostly annoying.”
“Is this chiropracty?”
“When you walk into a room, people are going to look at you and say ‘wow’.”
“You say I had a rough night- It was a lovely night! You know? We weren’t fucking. We were making love.”
“I’ve got a crucifix. Jebus is on my side.”
“Get some paper towels, get some water. We’re gonna fucking waterboard this guy.”
“Would you say I’m a friend? Or a foe? Which angel am I on your shoulder?”
“Look at your small penis. I bet you can’t do anything with that, huh?”
“If I lube myself up, I’ll slip right through Hell and get into Heaven.”
“I’m about to blow your chode!”
“I feel like I’m in the womb.”
“How big do you think Santa’s dick is?”
“I’m making a reservoir of wax in your belly button.”
“You know, the whole process of crucification was actually quite horrible.”
“This is just to keep our hands holding Jesus and not penis.”
“Here’s a personalized station of death metal songs.”
“Don’t try it at all or you’ll die if you try this thing at home.”
“If everyone around us is tall, does that mean that we’re actually short?”
“I love hammering, and I’m super good at it. But what if you showed me your hammering skills?”
“Imagine yourself, if you had a knife and you stuck it into your butthole.”
“Hi. You’re gonna die.”
“Demons cannot get into your soul!”
“Chuck it directly for the center of the crotch.”
“He thinks I’m a masochist but I’m not!”
“If you’re going to the US, don’t bother with Kansas.”
“Do Whos fuck?”
“Touch your cheek against my cheek. Come on.”
“I like the way it makes my meat jiggle.”

Sorry Mark, one day you’ll be able to go on the big boy rides.

Everyone when Mark finally does fart:

The doctor when they saw Mark arrive in the hospital:

It’s been an interesting week over on marktwt.

Ok YouTube is just mocking Mark for wanting a billboard at this point lol.

Mark got his revenge.

How we feeling fellow captains?

We’re wildly unqualified to be captain of a large spaceship…

Mark: “I’m flattered, but could you let go of my hand?”


@markiplier here, i fixed it.

UPDATE: mark and bob both retweeted my rebranding drawings. RIP my twitter notifications
