#inane chatter


Lately I’ve received a few snarky comments from random internet scolds, calling my particular brand of amateur-hour smut “sexist” and “derogatory”. This criticism irritates me to no end, for a few reasons:

1). Because shaming people for what are clearly fantasies is sooo 1950s;

2). No fantasy, as long as it involves consenting adults over the age of 18, should be labelled “derogatory”; and

3). Because in the 99% of the time I am not posting dirty pictures or writing low-grade sex words I take feminism very fucking seriously.

On the first point, imagine the nerve of being on Tumblr, a pansexual Wild West of furries, giantess worshipers, graphic images of people fucking sentient rainbows, gay muscle erotica, Land Before Time slash fiction, and hundreds of thousands of other niche fetishes I don’t even have the imagination to think of, and being judgemental of what other people are into. So you don’t think busty, lactating, and/or pregnant women are attractive? Great; enjoy the 87 quadrillion other pieces of porn out there that have nothing to do them and leave those of us who do find them hot alone.

Secondly, the idea that some kinks are reflective of our entire personalities or somehow reflect our “true intentions” is the same kind of regressive, puritanical shit-thinking that conservatives use when they blame video games for school shootings. Fantasies are just that, pretend situations we like to play out in our heads because they make us horny. Just because I fantasize about turning my partner and all of her friends into my own personal pregnant harem doesn’t mean I actually want it to happen (my insurance wouldn’t cover all of their deliveries!) any more than guy writing My Little Pony stories wants to fuck a horse in real life; or more seriously, it doesn’t mean any of the huge numbers of women with rape fantasies want to be sexually abused.

Finally, despite the occasional smutty caption here and there, I am absolutely committed to feminism. Don’t believe me? Here’s a post I made 2 years ago:


Without giving too much away about my real life, I’ve spent my entire career working in fields related to women’s rights, including fighting for abortion rights at a major pro-choice organization you definitely have heard of (and yes, I’m acutely aware of the irony). I’m engaged to a wonderful woman who is also a corporate big-shot who makes far more money than me and I couldn’t be prouder of her. You fucksticks don’t get to label me, or anyone else, as some misognyist troglodyte just because of our porn search history.

So, in conclusion,


Thanks for reading. The usual sexy pregnant filth will resume tomorrow.
