#inconsolable inconsolable



valgrace is literally “i’ll take care of you” “it’s rotten work” “not to me. not if it’s you” they are friends that come to know eachother through circumstances outside of their control but somehow and still trust the other completely and “leo wasn’t exactly the trusting type but he trusted jason with his life” is a literal quote from the book. leo sacrifices himself again and again to save jason from death until he literally gives his life for him while jason wildly looks for ways to protect leo and put himself between the danger and him. leo doesn’t think he can connect with other people and jason is the same, and their relationship is about how they overcome their insecurities and figure out that the place they belong, the place they’ve been looking for, is right next to the other — together. leo learns to stop running away and jason learns to fight for what he wants instead of doing it in the name of duty. jason finally gets to breathe and live his life while leo stops believing he’s unlovable and just in the way. jason loves leo’s brilliance that makes him so unique and leo can’t help but love how jason’s touch is gentle despite growing up as a military leader and with animals. valgrace is about not knowing much how love is supposed to feel like due to their upbringing but knowing too that if this isn’t it, if this tenderness they’ve discovered in eachothers’ arms isn’t it, if what they have between them isnt love, then they dont want it — and they should have had that i think they deserved their happiness peppered with kisses with the promise of home
