#incredible work op



Antiva Köppen Climate Map and the Nerd Deep Dive to Go With it

Hello, I’m back and I have a nerd deep dive for you. This time featuring our ever so mysterious and romantic Antiva. Homeland of our beloved Zevran and Josephine. The coffee and trade capital of Thedas, and the site of demise of the fourth Archdemon Andoral. (I’m going to bring this up later. It’s a rather big thing, to me at least.)

[Image Id: A multicoloured climate map of the fictional country Antiva from Dragon Age. Right side has the colour key for the climate zones of the map.]

This is going to be a really long post so everything is going under the cut. Topics being covered are:

  1. Climate Zones
  2. Trade
  3. Flora
  4. Fauna

Keep reading
