#infinite blue leo


leo just wants you to know that he loves youstarring @velvetfoxgames wonderful character leo (who i love and adore with all of my heart-)

“so…” leo began, his fingers dancing across the coffee table between you two. “i have something important to say." 

you look up at him, cross-legged on the floor and cookie crumbs hanging off your lips. "is this about me eating your goldfish again?”

“what?” leo looked put off for a moment before reverting back to a serious expression. “no- no. i’m going to get you back for that one day, but no. that’s not what this is about." 

"oh.” you didn’t want to admit it, but his expression was starting to worry you. leo, your lovable boyfriend, very rarely got serious like this. maybe it was a sign off your compatibility, but you never had full-blown arguments, finding it easier to compromise and talk through your problems rather than letting everything stew inside. 

“would you like a cookie?” you held out a half crumbled cookie out of the chips ahoy package and gave him your cutest smile.

“i-” his expression shifted before settling back into the serious one. 

“well, then, did i do something wrong?”

leo thought for a moment, before shaking his head. “no.” he tilted his head to the side before shaking his head again. “not really. i just have something important to say." 

after seeing your confused expression, he repeated himself. "it’s very, very important. extremely important.”

“well, what is it?” you leaned closer to him, watching his face attentively as he straightened up.  

“i love you.”

your eyes widened as you heard him confess, a smile forming on your lips as you looked at him. “so you weren’t mad at me!”

“what? no! i was just walking back home last night and i saw this frog at one of those roadside stalls, and it reminded me of you and all i could really think about was how much i loved you, so yeah. i had to make sure you knew.” he gave a little nod at the end, smiling as he met your eyes again. “actually, wait here.  let me get it.”

“you bought it?" 

"well, i mean… it reminded me of you. here." 

it was a palm-sized tree frog that seemed to shine. 

"is there… glitter in its eyes?" 

"yup! isn’t it adorable?”

“very much. gimme- it’s mine now!” successfully getting the frog from your boyfriend, you leaned down to kiss him softly on the cheek before going back to your cookies, frog in hand. “i love you more!”

cup notes:

leo the entire time (on the inside): *crying* i love them so much
