#innuendo fluff



So I had no good reason to write this other than the fact that I wanted to write a fic about Dixie and Corso making foot-rubs sound like sex… >~,^<


“Honey, I’m home!”

As cliché as the line was, Dixie couldn’t help singing it out as she climbed aboard Sunrise, and as always it was followed by laughter and tromping footsteps.

“'Bout time you got back,” Corso called out. “What kept you?”

“Just a lil’ hiccup. Nothin’ me and Bowie couldn’t handle.”

Her sweetie rounded the corner and when she saw him she felt a familiar flutter in her chest. Taking several rapid steps, she pounced on him, giggling as she caught his mouth with hers. He staggered for a moment and chuckled as he returned her kiss with one that was warm and welcoming. His hands grabbed under her ass and she giggled again as he hoisted her higher, keeping her close.

“Okay, so you missed each other,” Risha said dryly as she walked past them. “Give it a rest.”

Dixie lowered her feet to the floor but kept her arms around Corso as they parted reluctantly. “Never,” she declared, rubbing her nose to his and breathing in his scent.

They stood there, smiling into each others eyes as they enjoyed their ‘welcome home’ ritual. It made the goodbyes easier when she knew this was what waited for her.

“So a ‘lil’ hiccup’, huh?” he teased.

“Nothing serious. Just a debate about the final price.”

“And who won?”

“Sparkles, of course,” she laughed. “Who'da guessed the ol’ girl could pack such a wallop?”

“That Rodian didn’t,” Guss piped up. “Should have seen it Riggs. Green goo everywhere…”

“Enough Guss.” Dixie gave the Mon Calamari a stern look. “Go get Bowie and have him help with the cargo.”

“You got it Captain.”

As he headed to the cargo bay she shook her head. “You know for a former Padawan, he’s surprisingly blood-thirsty.”

“Noticed it too did ya?” Corso chuckled again as he squeezed her. “Stars it’s good to have you back.”

Dixie sank back into his chest, sighing deeply and listening to his heartbeat. It is good, she thought, relaxing for the first time since she’d left her ship. Another relaxed inhale had her nostrils prickling and she lifted her head to smile up at him. “Been cleanin’?”

“Yup,” he replied with pride. “Me an’ Seetoo been goin’ through Sunrise with a fine-tooth comb, leaving no dust-lepi unturned.” He raised his eyebrows at her. “Just how long had that nerf-cream been the cooler?”

“We had nerf-cream?”

He chuckled again at her feigned surprise. “By the time I found it it was nerf-cheese. But I tell ya, I’m ready to kick up and take a break.”

“Me too,” she said. “These dogs are barkin’. Can’t wait to prop them up.” She gave him a sultry smile, “Maybe in someone’s big, powerful hands.”

He knew exactly what she was getting at, clucking his tongue as he shook his head. “Ohh no, not this time. ‘Sides, ain’t it my turn?”

“Well maybe…” She glanced past him to the couch, then looked up and winked. “Race ya. Winner gets rubbed.”

“Wha…” Was all he had time to say before she ducked from his arms and darted to the couch. “Why you lil’…” followed, carried on a laugh as she felt a broad arm loop around her waist. “Not this time cheater.”

She started laughing too, trying to wiggle free and was caught off guard when he gently pushed her back and made a break for it. “Oh no you don’t,” she cried.

She made a flying leap and landed on his back, but he’d just reached the couch and was about sit so she ended up squashed between him and the cushions.

“Ooof!” she wheezed and he jumped back up looking concerned.

“Stars Dixie, you okay?”

“I win,” she said breathlessly and he covered his face with his hand.

“That don’t count,” he scolded, then plopped next to her. “Technically I was here first. And you owe me after disposing of that ‘science experiment gone wrong’ in the cooler.”

“But Honey, you’re so good at it.” Usually the flattery worked, but this time he shook his head and propped his feet up on her lap while she pouted at him.

“Go on, put that lower lip away,” he chuckled.

She rolled her eyes and started taking off his boot when he surprised her by reaching down and grabbing hers.  He unfastened them slowly, like when they undressed in private. Out of curiosity she slowed too, taking her time with him until they sat with each others bared feet in their laps. When she gave in a questioning look he winked at her.

“Never said we couldn’t compromise. I’ll do you and you do me?”

“Do me?” she giggled and his cheeks flushed.

“You know what I meant.”

To punctuate his point he ran his thumb deep into the sole of her foot and she moaned loudly. “Oh Honey, that’s nice.”

He chuckled and wiggled his toes, reminding her that she was supposed to be returning the favor so she slid her fingers between his toes, splaying them and rubbing at the same time.

“Damn Dixie, where’s you learn that?” he groaned.

“Ancient Cathar secret,” she joked, doing it again and getting another groan from him.

Not to be outdone he smoothed his palm over her instep, then rubbed circles into the ball of her feet. Her head fell back as she moaned again. “Ohh, that’s sooo…”

“You like that?” His low and sensual tone had her glancing up at him and she saw his eyes sparkling with humor.

“You know I do,” she replied in a sultry whisper and he started shaking from restrained laughter.

It went straight downhill from there. He caressed her heel and she moaned, “Harder.” Then she found a sensitive spot on the side of his big toe, and he bit his lower lip, groaning “Yeah, there.” The whole time they stifled their laughter, enjoying the hilarious innuendos.

It was when he ran his knuckles firmly into the arch of her foot and she cried out, “Oh, Gods!” that they heard footsteps heading towards them.

“What is going on here?” Risha sounded incensed as she took in the sight of Corso and Dixie on the couch. “Sounds like you’re…”

“Just a foot-rub,” Corso stated, holding up Dixie’s foot while she nodded.

“Yup, nothing to see here,” she agreed.

Risha’s eyes narrowed as she looked each each of them, then threw her hands up in exasperation. “Whatever you’re doing, either quiet down or take it to your quarters.”

As she stormed off Dixie’s eyes met Corso’s, brimming with amusement They only lasted until the bootsteps stopped echoing before they fell against each other, collapsing in laughter.

Gods, I love him, Dixie thought as he cradled her on his quaking chest, and as if he heard the thought he pressed a kiss into her hair. They waited for the chuckles to subside before sitting up and cleaning up their footwear.

“She had a good point,” Dixie said offhandedly as she scooped up her boots and Corso looked over at her.

“What, about quieting down?”

“No.” She reached over and stroked his leg. “About taking it to our quarters.”

A flash of heat lit up Corso’s brown eyes and he grinned slowly. “I’ll do you and you do me?”

With a quick nod she bounded off of the couch, calling out, “Race ya!”
