#inquisition spoilers





solas’ list of aliases is without a doubt the funniest thing i have encountered yet,u got all the divine and menacing titles in there and then theres chuckles

smdh cause they forgot “The Old Wolf” “Bringer of Nightmares” and “Roamer of the Beyond”

Was reading over his Villains wiki, and also found this:

He only succeeded once, and it made everything worse

This list of goals is so inaccurate though?? They handpicked things he failed at. This fandom has a really weird obsession with saying he’s such a failure? uhhhh he only shaped and formed the entire way the dragon age world exists, that’s all he’s done succesfully…. lmao

It should be:

  • Save the world from being destroyed by the evanuris (succeeded)
  • Dismantle the evanuris’ propaganda about both himself and the evanuris (failed)
  • Lock the evanuris and the Forgotten Ones away so they can never again walk among the People (succeeded, bitch!)
  • Create and put up an enormous, all-encompassing Veil dividing the waking world and the world of dreams, destroying and changing the world forever. (Succeeded, bitch!!)
  • Gain control of the eluvuans (he succeeded at this….. this list is completely incorrect, he confirms he has control of the eluvian network in trespasser)
  • Use Corypheus to unlock the foci (half succeeded) (I mean, it did unlock)

the thing that gets my goat is how solas still words things so as to obfuscate how he was once an evanuris too, in the trespasser conversation. he never says “we” but he never words it in such a way as to state that he wasn’t part of the “we.” Like, buddy, friend, I’m not going to judge you. 

if solas successfully socially climbed his way from slavery to godhood, no wonder he hates the qun and tevinter with their social structures that would never allow that. and no wonder he’s always sort of like looking at other people kind of bewildered like “why don’t they lift themselves up by their bootstraps with their own supreme cleverness”

Solas’ involvement in any story means the story Will Have Shenanigans. What I really treasure about him is that he’s such a doofus. I think that’s maybe the single greatest “subverting expectations” detail to his character kit, besides the big reveal. They usually try to take a character trope and then surprise you in some way with it. So with Solas, they introduce this immortal Elf King Thrandruil character, this reserved, superior, artistic and otherworldy intelligent being who looks down on others for not being as good as him, and you think you know what to expect with that kind of character.

But with Solas, they didn’t really tell you that was the character type at first, and then they added contrasting unexpected details – like making the elf king dress up like a hobo. Like letting the age of this immortal elf mean he is genuinely mature and very experienced in a lot of ways, including his logic process, his actual patience, and ability to admit he’s wrong. They made the “cold immortal elf king” feel things deeply and passionately. They make him the butt of jokes, and make jokes of his own, and accidentally light his own coattails on fire when casting spells in battle (and not want to mention it after it happened because it embarrassed him). They made the Immortal Elf King Who Fights For Elves into a very round character who is humanized and lovable. It’s wild that he doesn’t distance himself. He’s in the thick of it, deeply concerned about everything going on. After thousands of years, how much he cares hasn’t changed. He hasn’t gotten too tired. He’s so old but he burns so bright. I really love old characters who somehow still care and haven’t given up, even after so much heartache.

“It can be argued that an immortal would have to be distant, or eventually all it would know is loss. What would our world look like to such a creature? What actions would they be capable of when everything except themselves is fleeting and therefore of little relevance to eternity? If we as elvhen discover a path back to what we were, we must be sure that the path is wide enough for all. For the individual who stumbles into that journey, who endures when all else is dust, can only be alone.” -Keeper Ilan'ta