#inquisitor x iron bull


vomeronasal, volatile, vulnerable

So, the Inquisitor is an omega.

Saar thought that fact wouldn’t be worthy of a full-on war room discussion, but judging by the way Leliana, Josephine, and Cullen are staring at her right now, it apparently really is.

“Forgive us,” Josphine says delicately, “I am aware this should be a private matter, but given your… position, it is—” she hesitates, clearly searching for words, “—politically relevant.”

Koslun’s ass, Saar hates being in heat around humans. The Valo-Kas wouldn’t be this fucking stupid about it.

10k, dragon age inquisition, adaar/solas, adaar/iron bull.
#a/b/o, politics, casual sex, actually adressing the sexual horror implications of heat/rut, very very needy sex

on AO3

proper post time now that this is done posting! i did the whole song-and-dance how outside my wheelhouse a/b/o usually is last time, but regardless, please read this thing i’m very proud of it :D
