
starlightsruby: We’re all mad here… A friend introduced me to @sanderssidecanons AU: Insanity Sides starlightsruby: We’re all mad here… A friend introduced me to @sanderssidecanons AU: Insanity Sides starlightsruby: We’re all mad here… A friend introduced me to @sanderssidecanons AU: Insanity Sides starlightsruby: We’re all mad here… A friend introduced me to @sanderssidecanons AU: Insanity Sides starlightsruby: We’re all mad here… A friend introduced me to @sanderssidecanons AU: Insanity Sides


We’re all mad here…

A friend introduced me to @sanderssidecanons AU: Insanity Sides and hooy boi lemmie tell ya I am a massive fan of horror and Im always up for experimenting when doing a set of images. What i love a lot about the fic is how each of the sides act when completly off the rails as well as their interactions with each other, its incredibly graphic but it grips you in wanting you to find out if any of the sides will ever be ok (esp virg, poor bb)

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Oh, it’s…. beautiful! I’m crying over here;

You have no idea how happy this makes me, ahaha! I was actually thinking of returning to this fix, but haven’t had the motivation, but maybe this is just the push in the right direction that I needed!

It looks great btw, I absolutely love it!

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