
I was out in Hawaii recently for the POW! WOW! mural festival this year. Kevin Lyons was touching upI was out in Hawaii recently for the POW! WOW! mural festival this year. Kevin Lyons was touching upI was out in Hawaii recently for the POW! WOW! mural festival this year. Kevin Lyons was touching upI was out in Hawaii recently for the POW! WOW! mural festival this year. Kevin Lyons was touching up

I was out in Hawaii recently for the POW! WOW! mural festival this year. Kevin Lyons was touching up his mural from a couple years ago. The tropical weather really beat this mural up. Really popular among tourists for photo ops. It was great meeting Kevin for the first time, really nice dude.

Shot this with MiNT Camera InstantKon RF70 camera on Instax Wide film. A lot of the photos I shot on this trip were either Instax Wide or 35mm film since I didn’t get any support from Polaroid Originals. Expect more photos from me in the next couple of days since i’ve got a lot of scanning to do.

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