#instead of trying to wrangle photoshop

Just posted a new update abt OS:TRi, the sci fi dystopian VN I’m currently developing, to my vn dev Just posted a new update abt OS:TRi, the sci fi dystopian VN I’m currently developing, to my vn dev Just posted a new update abt OS:TRi, the sci fi dystopian VN I’m currently developing, to my vn dev

Just posted a new update abt OS:TRi, the sci fi dystopian VN I’m currently developing, to my vn dev twitter, https://twitter.com/cattowngames going into the basic setting info, ft. these fancy logos and infographics I made (you have No Idea how long it took me to settle on logo designs for the sectors lmao)

The story takes place in a recently established Mars colony broken up into sectors based on different industries, all governed by Ares. Co, a Definitely Not Evil mega corporation 

I’m also going to post some of the logo design process sketches to my patreon if ppl are interested in that, its mostly just rough sketches of the various designs I’ve tried out over the years https://www.patreon.com/mayorofcattown

Also transcription of the text in the images is under the cut (and also in the twitter post) if its annoying to read in the graphics

Logistical Operations and Governance

OS:LOG was developed as the hub for the majority of the business, planning and technological innovation industry on Mars, and has over time become the de facto government due to their influence over the development of the Colony.

Much of this development is spearheaded by Ares. Co, the largest megacorporation on Mars and the source of much of the initial financial backing of the colony, who has based most of their infrastructure in OS:LOG.

Emergency Technology and Healthcare

OS: ETH was the sector developed around mechanical engineering and the practical labour force in general, though much of it has become automated with recent developments in AI technology.

This sector also governs most of the emergency services, such as healthcare and the defense force, though each sector does have smaller local facilities for smaller incidents.

Preservation of the Arts and Terrestrial History

The sector designed around the preservation of Earth culture and the arts in general for Mars citizens. It has since become the main centre for most of the entertainment media produced on Mars.

It’s citizens are often known for their rather extravagant presentation, especially since the advent of new holographic body augmentation technology that allows its users to make large changes to their appearance with minimal effort.

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