#interactions as well



warnings: none

synopsis: general heartwarming things i think some genshin characters do with you! (as a romantic partner)

writer’s note: i’m getting to work on requests, writing has been hard for me to manage in my schedule with all that’s going on currently. hope you guys understand^^; thinking about writing a longfic with childe sometime or anytime really

content under the cut!



during the more rare sentimental moods that he finds himself in, childelikes to come up behind you when you’re mindlessly doing any chore.

in contrast to the variety of different tasks you take on, be it washing the dishes to folding his clothes on your shared bed, the action he takes doesn’t ever change.

he places his hand right over your heart, almost cupping your torso while he brings you closer to him. your bodies pressed against one another in the most intimate way possible.

his natural body heat is warm enough to make you convince yourself it’s definitely the only reason why your face is heating up, not him muttering sweet nothings into your ear!

“can you believe that this little thing in you is beating just for me? i have one myself, doing the same thing for you,” he takes your hand into his gloved one, placing it flat upon the side of his torso where his own heart lays. “can you hear how loud my love for you is?”

his eyes are blown with nothing but adoration, shining with a love you rarely get to see in them. his cheeks are rosy in hue and you swear you can feel warmth emit off of them but you’re too encapsulated with his words to pay attention to anything else.

moments like these where he is the most gullible are special to him, not because of how he abandons nearly every fatui-involved persona he has, but because it’s with you. he trusts you wholly, completely.


due to his schedule clashing with yours, thoma will usually find himself awake sooner than you do.

he doesn’t use this time to get ready, not at all. he ignores any distant calls in the back of his head for him to attend to his duties– because it can’t hurt to just adore you as you sleep so peacefully in front of him, can it?

it’s not as if he loses his sense of time, he knows his limits and exactly when he has to leave the house. his job is quite demanding after all!

when it does get frighteningly close to that time being later than usual, he’ll rush out of bed (reluctantly) and do his daily routine before coming back to the bed where you lay sleeping. smiling to himself, he’d plant a chaste kiss on your forehead before tucking the blanket back up to your shoulders and gently closing the bedroom door.

when it comes to days where you don’t have work and he does, he’ll plan ahead and leave meals suitable to eat until he can get home and make dinner with you.

even though you’ve told him countless times that you can cook for yourself, he always insists, going on about how he wants it to be “his cooking to get you through the day.”


zhongli isn’t exactly sure when he started planning on trying different flavors of tea with you every week at an end of your shift.

his main love language is to spend time with the ones he loves, be it going out on a nice dinner (that he will surprisingly pay for,) to something even as simple as just drinking tea. it’s a liyuean custom to drink tea along with eating light foods with friends and family; with him being a man of tradition it’s only natural for him to go back to his roots.

he hasn’t noticed how he himself would hum a lighthearted tune while he was handed the new package of tea leaves from his local vendor. not until you yourself pointed it out one day, the two of your going home together with the package.

you jokingly nudge at him, “what’s gotten you so happy? you aren’t going to start seeing a bag of leaves over me now, are you?”

zhongli chuckles, “not at all, dear. i am just.. rather happy to be able to spend some time with you after such a busy week. when we get home, would you like your favorite dish to go with this new brew? i have already done the courtesy of prepping most of its ingredients.”


diluc likes to write you notes for you to read by the time he’s already left the house.

they’re mostly short and simple, but they never fail to bring a smile to your face and start your day with a positive attitude.

from advising you to eat your breakfast as soon as possible because he’s already informed the maids to make it, to how he’ll come home later than usual because he has a shift to work at the angel’s share, they’re always full of care and worry for your wellbeing.

you’ve told him plenty of times how you find his little notes to be quite adorable, and his responses will always have something to do with clearing his throat, saying something along the lines of how he finds it to be the most efficient way of showing his own way of caring for you while he’s gone.

not only that, but they’re always signed– well scribbled would be the more fitting word, with a “p.s. i won’t be long, love you” with no period at the end because he’s “too embarrassed to look at it any longer, writing it in the first place was already hard enough.”


he likes to listen to you talk about anything really; as xiao finds himself enjoying the sound of your voice.

most the time, he won’t reply. he doesn’t mind your company, if anything he likes having you around.

he’s just bad with words or anything that has to do with assurance in general– as his curt and blunt replies can come off a bit insensitive at times. to avoid that as a whole, he doesn’t talk a lot which would make lengthy replies very rare, only present when you clearly need his input.

he chooses to observe you as your eyes glow with a pleasant mirth; chatting amiably about your day. he picks up on the smallest details and adds it to his general knowledge about you, shaping an even more vivid image of what you like and what you dislike.

once, he handed you a gift and as you took it from him you failed to notice his solemn expression. he was gauging your reaction to see if his gift met your standards, and it did! if anything, it exceeded your standards.

you were surprised to find out he even knew your favorite flavor of filling for your favorite pastry from the vendors at liyue. it was only something you mentioned once. you asked him about it, but he never gave a clear answer, turning bashful as he looked away from you.


ei has grown fond of hearing you explain the modern day inazuman lifestyle to her.

her ideals of a strict eternity stems from what she’s used to in the past. but ever since the traveler had shown her around the more “new” inazuma on a walk, she’s found herself to be much more curious about what else has changed.

so she turns to you, her closest companion and lover for answers to every single one of her questions.

at first, it was clear she was embarrassed for even asking such questions in the first place– clearing her throat as she averted her gaze away from you while muttering, “of course, if you think this would take too much of your time then you are free to leave..”

but you reassured her that you honestly didn’t mind. if anything, you wanted to be of help to her! ei loves how you never get frustrated with her lack of understanding of modern day technology, she loves that patient and nurturing side of you so very much. it makes her happy to see you demonstrate such care for her.


the green-clad bard just loves to hum aimless tunes while you have your head in his lap.

bonus points if you’re both under the tree in windrise! he thinks the breeze is so relaxing, not only that but the comfort the tree brings him along with your company. how can he even think of saying no to any of those in the first place?

since you’re already at windrise, windwheel asters aren’t uncommon; which leads to flower crowns being made! if you plan on making him one, be sure to put it on him and call him your cutie! it never fails to make him giggle and hug you close to him.

he really enjoys stroking your hair. your relationship with venti is at the point where it doesn’t require a person to always initiate conversation, as silence is something the both of you can find relaxation in (especially with each other!)

picnics are a must! the food is mostly dependent on you though, so be sure to always have fresh apples stocked up. venti will eat about anything you make, but apples are not only an easy staple to maintain, but they can keep your bard happy!
