

This is a tale of a project languishing for a very long time, despite the fact that this yarn is gorgeous. I purchased this yarn (Into the Whirled, Pakokku Sock) at Rhinebeck in 2016, and despite grand intentions of knitting it up right away, it sat sadly in the bottom of my yarn trunk for a year and a half. I finally decided to knit them into socks, and at this point, I even got so far as to finish 99% of the process before leaving them to languish once more with no ends woven in the yarn pile of doom. Enter the MCAT - a truly terrible standardized test that drives you to the worst levels of procrastination, such as catching up on laundry and weaving in hundreds of ends. On the plus side, now I have a pair of wool socks ready just in time for our 32ºC heatwave… 

Stay tuned for more procrastination project finishes!

Scissors, Lizard, Spock Socks on Ravelry.
