#intuitive channeler

Final Day To Join Ascension and experience The Quantum Shift codes. Going Live tomorrow! It is the F

Final Day To Join Ascension and experience The Quantum Shift codes. Going Live tomorrow!

It is the Final hours to Join us for The Ascension Workshop

The first thing you have to understand is that this workshop is going to take you straight to the point of what creates an Energetic Pattern.

And how we can understand our energy body so we can use it to amplify our intuition

Most of us live a life where we are suppressing this natural part of ourselves that we can personally use to help us within our daily life.

It’s honestly crazy to me how we don’t always see that we are naturally more supernatural than society is telling us.  

I used to think i was crazy or something was wrong with me but What I didn’t know back then was - how to actually understand my energy body, strengthen my intuition and Allow myself drop into soul to access Quantum intelligence.

Now I do Know - and There is nothing absolutely wrong with me.

These concepts for the masses are often seen as

“weird” “mystical” or “abnormal”

But what we have to understand is if you’re in the middle of Spiritual awakening or you’re naturally sensitive to energy - This is a natural part of you that is your birthright to understand.


Your intuitive gifts can help change your entire life

and they don’t live in a book or even a course - this is something you can learn how to access on TAP if you desire because the more you understand your intuitive nature - and stop suppressing that part of you

The more you can learn how to Heal yourself from the inside out.

How to access the frequency of Abundance Mindset

How to Understand that part of yourself that helps you create more solutions, ideas, answers to your problems and allows you to feel more into your limitless nature of who you are.

Bob Proctor once said that “doubt and Fear is caused by ignorance, not knowing. ” And I couldn’t agree more!

Those who are afraid of their power,

Afraid of the unknown when it comes to understanding these spiritual concepts

or afraid of manifesting,

It isn’t that you can’t do it or that you have excuses on Why it isn’t fully possible for you.

No - Not remotely, what you have is a lack of understanding, a lack of knowledge and certainty in your abilities,

in knowing your Power,

In understanding how to WORK with your Energetics.

A lot of times whenever we are actually afraid of change, afraid of the unknown or confused on what is happening to us as we awaken - we’re not really looking for ‘how to cope’

what we’re actually looking for is - How do i understand this?  

We’re looking to end the Fear.

The Fear only ends when you Tap into Soul and Hear yourself again.

And the More we open ourselves to the receptivity and the beauty that the universe gifts us, god gifts us, the more we open ourselves to acknowledging our personal power of who we truly are.

It Begins with Remembering

You Held the power the entire time,

This is the Final Day to Join The Ascension Workshop

Ascension: Wake up your higher self and ASCEND on all levels

This is a conversation that is not for the faint of heart,

I want the person who is ready to go deep,

Who is ready for their next level,

Who is willing to be open-minded,

And become MAGNETIC AF,

If your soul is going fuck yeah,

It’s time,

Enrollment closes in a Few Hours  - See you saturday.



the Practical bits:

How it Works:

This is a High Value – Live Online Event Taking Place June 11th 2022 at 10am CST

Show up Live to get your Questions answered or submit in our fb popup group

You will gain access to the PRIVATE  Membership Portal where your recording of the Training will be hosted.

You will have unlimited replay & lifetime access

You will Receive One Interactive Workshop Training Plus – Soul Work Downloaded Intuitively throughout the Workshop

Live Coaching Support: You have access to me for Q & A in the fb group

BONUS INTUITIVE CHANNELINGS ( HIGH VALUE ): There is MAGIC and SUPERFLOW, When I Host Live workshops, There will be extra Intuitive magic, downloads and channelings throughout – downloaded JUST FOR YOU – I believe spirit works through us and guides us to the people who need us. This always occurs during my lives that you may receive a special aligned message just for you. (Saying this with full confidence  )

BONUS: Masterclass Mini-Workbook Added to Integrate what we learn together with Journal Prompts and Action Steps.

Receive Ultimate Support and Guidance on Your Ascension Journey, Learn Powerful Energy Tools and Processes to move through any Energetic Pattern. If you show up and do the work – I believe a shift is inevitable as when you change your energy, the outer reality always follows.

Are you ready?

Ascension. Wake Up your Higher Self and Ascend on All Levels.

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