#iori faust

Bad Luck and a Bank Robber- Iori Faust The shady puppet master to the various indebted members of th

Bad Luck and a Bank Robber- Iori Faust

 The shady puppet master to the various indebted members of the Korpus Group, Faust is a self-described flawless being striving for his own view of perfect humanity. His pallid rotted skin belies the various modifications he’s done underneath to himself to make his body like steel though he only ever seems to laze on a self-fashioned throne above his underlings. 

 This visage of an inactive and callous manipulator stringing along the desperate and lostlorn for infinite ulterior motive leads Marko and Nekane to develop a deep disdain the more they learn that many of the Korpus are victims themselves. When pushed to the breaking point of recklessness they discover too late that he is something far beyond an unstoppable force…

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thedrown:Bad Luck and a Bank Robber- Iori Faust The shady puppet master to the various indebted memb


Bad Luck and a Bank Robber- Iori Faust

 The shady puppet master to the various indebted members of the Korpus Group, Faust is a self-described flawless being striving for his own view of perfect humanity. His pallid rotted skin belies the various modifications he’s done underneath to himself to make his body like steel though he only ever seems to laze on a self-fashioned throne above his underlings. 

 This visage of an inactive and callous manipulator stringing along the desperate and lostlorn for infinite ulterior motive leads Marko and Nekane to develop a deep disdain the more they learn that many of the Korpus are victims themselves. When pushed to the breaking point of recklessness they discover too late that he is something far beyond an unstoppable force…

Wasnt happy with the original doodle so went back and redid it

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