


Also, some of you don’t actually know what enemies to lovers is huh… Where is the clashing of principles? The righteous fury? The gut wrenching guilt of having unwanted affection for someone who is actively trying to destroy everything you’ve worked your entire life to build? The overwhelming anger thrown at the object of your affection to mask your anger for yourself? The reluctant truce brought about by extenuating circumstances? The begruding birth of respect? The creeping realization that you are on the wrong side? The long agonizing journey to redemption? The slow quiet blossoming of a friendship? The underlying current of a desire that has always been there but you have never been in a position to act on before? The fear that your antagonistic history carries too much baggage? The resigned acceptance that a friendship is more than you are even worthy for? A heroic display that solidifies your position as one of the good guys? The epiphany of love and a hint that it might not be so unrequited? The inevitable conclusion??

Honestly, you guys see two people on opposite sides and just skip to the lovers part….


Thiswip is now done! I’m pretty happy with how it came out especially since I spent so long on figuring out lighting and poses

Also on Ao3 because it was intended to be more explicit for the series, but didn’t really end up that way lol

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