#irina clockworker

Recolor of Ichika fancomic. The original art can be found on her Twitter here.

Recolor of Ichika fancomic. The original art can be found on her Twitter here.

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Day 11 of the 15 Day Evillious Challenge REDUX.Today’s theme is: “Favorite body of Irini

Day 11 of the 15 Day Evillious Challenge REDUX.
Today’s theme is: “Favorite body of Irinia’s”.

The body in question is I.R.

In the previous version of the Challenge, I said that my favorite body was Julia Abelard, she still is but I.R. is starting to grow on me more and more, so Julia gets an honorable mention here.

Anyways, I used to not think much about Irina’s I.R. persona at first, but then I started to like her Netsuma look more, she actually looks pretty much more witch-like in the Lust era and, being someone who likes villains, I can appreciate that. Plus the braids are adorable.

However I am almost out of black coloring pencils because of I.R., but other than that, I like this look now.

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This is the holiday themed drawing that I’ve been working on for Evillious, and of course this theme is: “Santa Clause”.

…By which I mean Julia Abelard, the “First Santa Clause” from Pere Noel, it was gonna have Gallerian and Pale to go with her, but I didn’t have enough time and my concept art is trash, so I just drew Julia and her stuffed cat instead.

It would’ve been done somewhat sooner but my Paint.Net had an update that disabled the anti-aliasing, it’s fixed now so it’s all good.
