
2018.03.23 Happy Birthday to myself = 3=)/I post finally my birthday comic!! (originally: 2017) Now 2018.03.23 Happy Birthday to myself = 3=)/I post finally my birthday comic!! (originally: 2017) Now 2018.03.23 Happy Birthday to myself = 3=)/I post finally my birthday comic!! (originally: 2017) Now 2018.03.23 Happy Birthday to myself = 3=)/I post finally my birthday comic!! (originally: 2017) Now 2018.03.23 Happy Birthday to myself = 3=)/I post finally my birthday comic!! (originally: 2017) Now

2018.03.23 Happy Birthday to myself = 3=)/

I post finally my birthday comic!! (originally: 2017)

Now I’m 25 (Kinniku), but this story talk about my change of age last year.

I went from 23 (Suiriku) to 24 (Iro), and I was a lil sad to leave one of my fav pairing ;;v;;


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Hello and thank you for your interest in my AU !! For every questions about the cats, you can go to

Hello and thank you for your interest in my AU !! 
For every questions about the cats, you can go to my ask blog there : 


just follow those two, they will lead you there.

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Preorder open! Please follow instructions on the following post to order. (*^▽^*)
