

With Andrew Harshman

An archive and review of the minis used on CR.


Pretty metal combat in this episode. Definitely feels like an early 2000s CG laden power metal music video. Which is to say this fight was totally sweet. I’ve given stat blocks to players before, it’s a great DMing tool. Great way to involve players that don’t have present PCs. 

Regarding the terrain. Not sure the source on this rock arch. Could be a multipart 3D print, could be an aquarium decoration. If you have the source info, do let me know. If you are looking to find such a terrain piece for your game, based on my research there appear to be similar options out there on the internets. Dwarven Forge also has some Caverns natural bridges that could work.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind, it’s time for Critical Role Mini Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 131!

The List

  • Mats by Mars Tabletop Mat Shattered Soil
  • Dwarven Forge Erinthor Mountains Set
  • Dwarven Forge Mountain Elevation Pack
  • WizKids Deep Cuts Unpainted Minis: W6 Cage & Chains
  • Eberron: Rising from the Last War #028 Living Spell Lightning Bolt
  • Elemental Evil #029 Air Elemental
  • Eldritch Foundry Essek
  • Possible WizKids Dark Elf Rogue Critical Role Miniature
  • Miniature Jewelry Chain
  • Unknown rock arch

The Monsters


Storm Elemental Elemental Evil #029 Air Elemental
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

Kind of a scary looking ghostly elemental. In fact, this figure could definitely double as a big ol’ undead spirit. A giga-ghost, if you will. A big-banshee. Awhopping-wraith. A substantial-specter. I like this model quite a bit, the sculpt and paint achieve a gaseous appearance that is quite impressive.


Lightning Elemental Eberron: Rising from the Last War #028 Living Spell Lightning Bolt
Mini image sourced from minisgallery.com

Creative miniature usage here. This model is of a very specific monster from a specific campaign setting, but it works perfectly in this capacity. Living Spells dwell in the Mournlands of the Eberron setting. This exclusion zone was the site of a massive magical disaster that destroyed an entire country. The area is now shrouded in ominous mist and is home to all sorts of bizarre arcane phenomenon and dangerous creatures. Living Spells are literally magic spells that have gained sentience and now stalk the Mournlands. The mini works very well as a lightning/storm elemental, very good indeed. Cool monster, cool sculpt, I dig it.

The Esseks


EssekEldritch Foundry and possible WizKids Dark Elf Rogue Critical Role Miniature
Mini image sourced from wizkids.com

A the end of the episode the party met up with Essek and right before the stream ended Matt brought out two possible Essek miniatures. I believe one of them is the WizKids Dark Elf Rogue. Not totally sure. As for the other figure, we’ve got a fully customized Eldritch Foundry figure painted by Iron Tusk Painting:


A wonderfully painted model in a cool pose. But like, Essek looks fashy af. Thank goodness for that semi-whimsical furry collar or else he would look 100% like a member of the Galactic Empire high command. 

Closing Thoughts and Predictions

I’m an episode behind on my posts, so can’t really make any predictions. See you next post!


With Andrew Harshman

An archive and review of the minis used on CR.


We made it folks,141 episodes and 141 posts (approximately, I think I grouped a few posts together early on). Lemme tell ya, I was fairly confident there would be no more Campaign 2 minis to archive and review. But then I heard the finale was 7 hours and I started to consider the possibility. And sure enough, we got one final, terrific battle and battle map.

If you ask me, no campaign finale is complete without a finale tabletop mat. Whether you’re starting a campaign or ending a campaign, Mats by Mars has got your mat needs covered. Go to matsbymars.com and use my code DNDEED0621 for 10% off your entire MBM order.

Blooming Grove? More like Blazing Grove. -it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 141!

The List

  • Mats by Mars: Green Hills Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat
  • Monster Fight Club Verdent Forest Double-sided Neoprene Area Template
  • Monster Fight Club Village Well
  • Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
  • Hagglethorn Hollow The Tavern 
  • Dwarven Forge Dreadhollow Forest Set
  • Dwarven Forge Tudor Ruins Add-On Pack Roof Fire
  • D&D Spell Effects: Wall of Fire & Wall of Ice
  • Axe N Shield Single Flyer Risers - Clear Mithril
  • Steamforged Mighty Nein Miniatures
  • Resin Printed Veth Model (not publicly available)
  • Eldritch Foundry Essek Painted by Iron Tusk Painting
  • HeroForge Astrid
  • HeroForge Eadwulf
  • HeroForge Trent
  • Axe N Shield Single Flyer Risers - Clear Mithril
  • D&D Spell Effects: Arcane Fury & Divine Might Arcane Gate

The Terrain


The Blooming Grove looks quite lovely. I had forgotten that it is also known as the Bone Orchard. Gee, can’t imagine why they rebranded. Great map for sure, but I didn’t at all imagine the Grove being situated on a hill. Bit of a safety risk I should say, just look at the precarious placement of the front door:  


Building code violations aside, the Blooming Grove temple itself is a most impressive model from Tabletop Troubadour Games. An impressively whimsical and stylized design. These resin terrain pieces are reportedly quite durable, so a bit of magic fire damage should be no big deal. 


The Nonplayer Characters


More quality painting from Iron Tusk Painting on some well designed HeroForges. Eadwulf is a properly antagonistic looking multiclassed wizard-hunk. Neat spell effect to boot. Rather intimidating. Definitely don’t wanna get zapped by that.


Cool mini, cool paint, cool collar! What’s the enhancement bonus on that thing? A powerful collar indeed. And ya love to see a good asymmetrical haircut. Do you think Astrid cuts it herself? Like maybe she casts scrying on herself and uses mage hand.

Closing Thoughts

This blog series proved to be quite the undertaking. But it was enjoyable and rewarding throughout. Here’s to future campaigns and what miniatures they may bring, cheers! See ya next sesh!

