#iroquois pliskin

some metal gear pchatssome metal gear pchatssome metal gear pchatssome metal gear pchats

some metal gear pchats

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flashback to the time my friend got me to play roblox and i went around in a pliskin cosplay

Just when I thought I’d got over that cold it comes back with vengeance. I’ve gone from

Just when I thought I’d got over that cold it comes back with vengeance. I’ve gone from sneezing and runny nose, back to having aching muscles and now a barking cough and feeling run down and tired. I appeared to be getting better. Guess not.

Top it off, my husband also has this. So that’s both of us feeling unwell and trying to get everything ready for Christmas.

Most importantly all my daughter’s presents are bought, wrapped and ready. Also, I did the food shopping today. So all in all we’re set. Now if this virus would just bugger off.

I started this yesterday. I’m not sure whether I’ll get any done tonight. I’ve already started to slap colour onto it, but hid the layers so that I could tidy up the line art.

And this is what I love about Clip Studio Paint. It is so good to ink in.

There’s some things that need tweaking (his headset on on the right needs bringing over a bit), but I least I stopped messing with the Solas picture and moved onto something new ;)

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Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also

Been playing through the mgs games recently, nearly done with MGS2, just got the Ray fight and also Solidus left to do.

ANYHOW, been drawing up some quick portraits as I went along and that is that.

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 Raiden and Pliskin reunion after he “betrayed” him (Ref from one of my fav scenes in St Raiden and Pliskin reunion after he “betrayed” him (Ref from one of my fav scenes in St

Raiden and Pliskin reunion after he “betrayed” him (Ref from one of my fav scenes in Stargate lol)

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