#is a bitch



do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.


types of writing sessions

  • got on computer, looked at document, was like “fuck this shit” and got off
  • wrote like 150 words that consist of bloating the existing useless conversation or scene even more
  • wrote SO MANY WORDS but it was because you were so desperate to escape the Bad Part
  • wrote SO MANY WORDS but it was because you were so desperate to get closer to the Good Part
  • got on your document, ran into research issue, spent like an hour on Wikipedia, ah shit
  • the somewhat satisfying “fixing everything I hated about the scene I wrote the day before” session
  • decent amount of progress that took like 3x longer than it should have because you were repeatedly distracted
  • In The Zone and completely absorbed, just BLAZING through a few thousand words, probably close to the ending, probably listening to playlist
  • Not actually a writing session, just listening to playlist
  • the session where you write like a paragraph, suddenly realize the unfixability of your current plot predicament, and cry
  • that weird session where you don’t have much time and you’re super tired and you write like a page but you reread it the next morning and holy shit these words came from the fingers of god why is it so good
  • that session that is purely just navigating the boring shit of getting from one scene to the next and it sucks but you leave off on the cusp of something interesting and it feels good
  • the satisfyingly exhausting session where you write the Good Part and you’re confident it came out pretty well and you’re full of thoughts and stuff about where things are going next but you need to let them rest
  • get on computer, write exactly one sentence, get off computer. Now you can say you wrote today