#is fun to imagine someone wrote a story about my oc






I am both.

#one weird counterintuitive aspect of being asexual #is that im more open to kinky or weird shit #im not HAVING kinky or weird sex it’s all theoretical

Hey @rosierugosa I hope it’s okay that I stole your tags because YES.

Because sexual desire is so weird and alien to me, personally, I find myself more accepting of weird and alien sex: I’m definitely not a monsterfucker in that I don’t wanna fuck the monster, but I fully accept and respect all monsterfucking because hey, sex in general – straight, gay, or otherwise! – is already so weird to me. Wanting to fuck Chad McDude down the street is just as strange to me as wanting to fuck the mothman. So my attitude is…go for it, I guess! Here’s a water bottle.

Same here, I’m not afraid to admit I’ve written a couple of filthy what if fanfics about the evil demon bad guy who totally is a giant dragon looking thing and the OC ninja chick totally getting it on that one time. That’s kind of hot. Wouldn’t it be weird if they fricked? Three times? Because he wants her soul for some blood ritual and enemies to lovers?

But yeah agreed. Sex is weird, I’m weird about it, whatever.

Just go for it!

How to spot the asexual: It’s all fun and games until you try to make them read self insert smut.

I will read the kinkiest filth, but try to mentally put me there and I’ll click away superfast.
