#is media etiquette a tag yet



This is so dumb but months ago I liked a post ranting about how older fans of Haikyuu are weird af and sexualizing high schoolers when they’re like 28 themselves and I wanted to reblog it BUT I CAN’T FIND IT

Apparently I didn’t reblog or like it. Boo self.

Anyway it was about how downright uncomfortable it is to see Haikyuu fans in their late 20s/early 30s sexualizing high school characters.

I’m 34 and I like the show. I like the writing, the incredibly deep characterization of like 3000 characters, and I love how the adults and the education profession are represented.

But there are people my age who write fic or make art of these high school characters in… explicit situations. That’s. Fucking. Weird. That’s. Fucking. Uncomfortable.

It’s reminiscent of the Teen Wolf adult fans who were like “I’ll finish up my mpreg bondage fic once I get my kids in bed”, or the adult fans of Twilight who waved posters of ‘Team Jacob’ or 'Team Edward’ at movie showings. Fucking weird and fucking uncomfortable.

You don’t have to stop liking things after a certain age and there isn’t an age requirement on media, but please for the love of FUCK understand that there’s a certain etiquette involved when you’re an adult fan of something.
