#is not what it is




When you start to think how many of Mustafa’s kids Hurrem directly & indirectly got killed… But she goes to ask forgiveness from Ibrahim before she dies?? Lmao, like, out of all the innocents she hurted/killed why is he the one that makes her feel more guilty? I know it’s all to clean her conscience to die in peace, but still, shouldn’t she feel more haunted by the ppl that never actually threatened her safety? When I tell you this woman has no reedeming qualities this is what I mean, “oh, let’s recognize the people I actually fought with & and did shit to me too so I can feel good that they don’t hate me anymore as I don’t, there’s no one else I wronged ofc, it was eveything to defend myself from their attacks”, like she’s supposed to be apologizing but all she really does is justify her own actions once more, everything she did was on mutual rivalries when the others hurted her too apparently, the peace of her conscience is so fake when you think of how it comes from, as always, feeling justified for absolutly everything she did. Like, no, maybe that’s the thing that gets me angrier about her, after all that shit her guilt is practically inexistent IF she’s not being held accountable as she was when Bayezid faced her for Mustafa’s death or now that she’s gonna die & needs to feel she’s not going to hell lmao, people acts like if this type of scenes are such a change for her character but when you analyze it it ends being more of the same, the pity she gets to show to rivals is just a way to convince herself she’s in all situations trapped against the odds, this is highlighted in the immediate change from “I’m not happy with Mustafa’s dying” to “He was too weak”, whatever helps you feel less like the oppressor, right, Hu?

Why does she act as if she didn’t say this to her literal toddler (friendly reminder musti was still a kid here), smiling about killing ppl, what a lovely mommy-daughter bond lmao

this scene is so funny and creepy at the same timebut tbh also incredible that her toxic fans are still saying she didn’t talk about her ambitions to her kids after something SO big???i swear they skip scenes or forget everything that doesn’t fit their narratives just as their idolit’s just ridiculous

The funny thing about Ibrahim is that him being dead he could only listen again how he did one good thing in his life (sent her to Suleiman), how much he sucked, and how in the end she won, and she could be sure he would not respond back LMAO. Again also to make herself feel better by stressing the “I won” aspect.

And even with Mahi, while she was of course more empathetic and all, she immediately pulled the Mehmed card. Immediately.
