#is that what im hearing



After weeks of waiting, I can finally share the news that I was told!

On May 13th, 2022, Klamath Community College held a small Comicon event catered to their students. Film makers, actors, and screenwriters made guest appearances via Zoom to talk about the movies that they were in. Of those special guests were Pat Casey and Josh Miller. While there was discussion of Sonic 1 & 2, there was a brief mention of Sonic 3.

The following has been shared about the third Sonic Movie so far:

  • AmyRoss has yet to make an appearance, nor has it been decided currently if she will appear in the third film due to the script being written (18:55 to 19:10).
  • There is strong potential that Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow solo arch, Shadow the Hedgehog (2005), will be referenced in the third film (23:25 to 24:05).
  • Pat Casey confirmed that they had a big name voice actor in mind for Shadow. All that they—the crew behind the film—we’re waiting for is for the actor to confirm that they wanted the role. There were no indications that a previous video game voice actor would reprise the role of “Shadow” in the third Sonic Movie (29:54 to 30:30).
  • Crush 40 has a mildly decent chance in appearing in the third film, though it’s not confirmed as of yet. Both Pat Casey and Josh Miller hope and lean towards the possibility of it being “Live and Learn.” The song choice is popular amongst the fans and the producers are very aware of this being a strong want (30:40 to 30:50).
  • Though not confirmed, it is heavily implied that there will be a new addition to Sonic’s growing team in each film, or at least one new character to the movies if the fans are interested in them/the film’s stories (31:55 to 32:25).
  • If Jim Carey were to retire from acting, the third movie’s direction will focus on other characters due to Sonic’s franchise being so vast. He would be missed, they would welcome him back if he wanted to take a break from the third and work on the fourth, but they are confident that he could return (33:40 to 35:00).
  • As of now, the script is in the “Blue Sky” Phase. This means that they’re still planning and every possible idea that could happen between characters and actors coming/leaving (35: 30 to 36:02).
  • Though no exact date, the belief here is that the third Sonic film may be released in theaters in about two years (36:10 to 36:30).

