#isaac lahey fanfiction


Thigh Riding

Requested by Anonymous

Pairing: Isaac x fem!reader

Genre: Smut

Characters: Isaac, Y/N

Description: Isaac is feeling a little mischievous and doesn’t let Y/N get what they want.  

“C'mon Isaac, please?”

You had been trying to get him away from his books for the past half hour but nothing was working, not even the promise of sex.

He laughed and shook his head. “No, Y/N. I have to get this done otherwise I’ll have my ass handed to me by coach.”

You flopped down on the side of his bed and huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. He shook his head and turned around to his work when an idea struck him.

He turned back around to you with a mischeavious glint in his eye. With his finger, Isaac beckoned you over to him and pointed to his thigh.

“Sit.” You furrowed your eyebrows, confused. “Why? I thought you didn’t want me distracting you.” He smirked and pulled you down on him, your heat landing directly on the hardness of his thigh.

“Because, my princess, this way we can both get what we want. I get to do my work and you get to relieve that pent up feeling of arousal that you’ve had all day.” Your cheeks immediately blushed at his words.

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, babe, trust me. You don’t wanna know how many times I’ve…” “…you’re right, I don’t!” You put your fingers in your ears to block out his words.

Isaac laughed and pecked your lips. “Knock yourself out baby, just don’t have too much fun. It’s my job to make you feel good.” He winked and then turned, making your body jolt a little at the small amount of friction when his leg moved.

Slowly though, you began to move back and forth across his thigh. Low raspy moans exited your mouth as the friction of his jeans was rubbing against your clothed clit.

Your movements began to get faster as the knot in your stomach began to tighten. Your hand reached up to your clothed breast and reached inside the bra, twirling your nipple between your fingers.

Your moans were getting louder and louder as you rode his thigh faster, trying to get the right amount of friction you wanted.

Much to your surprise though, Isaac suddenly turned around, slammed his lips against yours and carried you over to his bed.

“I thought you had to do your work?” You raised your eyebrows with a small smirk. “Yeah, well, when you’ve got a lady on your leg making all those sexy noises, it’s just too hard to resist.”

You laughed before pulling him down to you by his neck and attached your lips to his. You were both in for a very long night.

Teen Wolf Tags:

