#ishiko miyamoto




Character:Ishiko Miyamoto
Location:Miyamoto Manor, Kugane
Tags: Mention of @ffxivaltstars

To see them beg gave her pleasure. To see them upon the ground before her felt like nothing else.

Ishiko was a simple woman, of simple tastes, she would say. She simply liked to be adored. To be worshiped. It was what she deserved after all.

Some brought her gifts. Some gifted her with flattering words of praise. Some offered servitude. Some wanted nothing else.

Buthenever had taken to knee for her. Not once. 

A man that certainly should, a savage from across the sea. A man like that should have had his head upon the ground the moment he laid eyes on someone like her.

Valoq had defied her every request. Had challenged her when all those before never dared. The man was near as prideful as she. He held power as she did, but not power of coin and name.

Her family did not know he had made no oath, had sworn to her nothing. She had taken him into employ without need of his obeisance.

Ishiko took pleasure in being revered. The mistress of the Miyamoto house. 

Valoq walked at her side, not at her back. He met her eyes instead of dropping them when she entered rooms. He shared her bed and did not yield.

They were not equals, by far. And yet they pushed and pulled. Each seeing what the other would submit to the other.

In due time he would come under her heel like the rest. They always did.

She could have a bit of fun until then.

OC-tober 2021Day 3: LampList by @locke-rinannisI fought with this one too long. I need to stop with

OC-tober 2021
Day 3: Lamp


I fought with this one too long. I need to stop with this dramatic lighting stuff, I had to refill a pen and it spilled EVERYWHERE. this is why I do digital art………

Valoq belongs to @ffxivaltstars

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