#it involves hurt



amphibia finale perfect, amphibia finale UNTOUCHABLE

as sad and bittersweet as it is, the finale provides the realest sense of hope for the future ive ever seen from a fantasy series. like, yeah, you went on an adventure to another world, found a new family, had all this fantastical stuff happen, but in the end you went home and life moved ON. you lost contact with people you love, you and your friends grew apart, you now have an adult sense of responsibility for growing into the person the world needs you to be. but. HOMIE, BUT

you still love your family (the ones with you AND far away). you still have THEIR love. you’ve grown into a better version of yourself. you’re still growing! your best friends are growing, too, and even though things have changed, they are always going to be there for you. time moves on, things hurt, but you have so much love in your life and so much love still to be found. the love is worth it all.

how lucky that kids and teens are watching this. maybe they don’t get the message just yet, but that’s okay. they’ll get to carry it with them and let it buoy them forward when they do finally understand. man.

