#it is time to celebrate our first canon aro sola naberrie

physicsandfandoms: It’s almost that time of year again! Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week is Februar


It’s almost that time of year again! Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week is February 16th-22nd 2020!

I’ve been posting the Aro (and Ace for that matter) Awareness Week Fandom Challenges the past couple of years because it is a tradition that I don’t want to see die out. You are welcome to post your own prompt lists too if you have other ideas!

You can respond with any type of fanworks; fanfic, fanart, meta, edits, playlists, etc. You can make content for any characters who are canonically, or you headcanon as anywhere on the aromantic spectrum. Use the tags #AroAWFC,or#ASAWFC, and the more general tag for the overall event, #ASAW


  • Sun 2/16: Post about canon AroSpec characters
  • Mon 2/17: Recommend a fic featuring an Aro character (headcanoned or otherwise)
  • Tues 2/18: Post about Aromantic Headcanons
  • Wed 2/19: Post about Grey-Aromantic Headcanons
  • Thurs 2/20: Post about Demiromantic Headcanons
  • Fri 2/21: Post about AroSpec OCs
  • Sat 2/22: Post about AroSpec Pride in a character’s life

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