#it just doesnt work

Local men attempt to unsuccessfully prevent their tall, beautiful, feral wife from committing crimes

Local men attempt to unsuccessfully prevent their tall, beautiful, feral wife from committing crimes. More at 9. 

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I was thinking more about Star Guardian Janna’s old team. Ever since the reveal that the “great darkness” is just one bored nihilistic girl has kinda shaken up most of my hc and now I’m not quite sure what to think but here are my working ideas

1) For certain- Janna’s team is dead. Not thought to be dead but actually revived and evil and working for zoe, actually dead. It would be much too cheap I feel to do a rehash of Ahri’s team’s story, and it could bring an interesting angle of angst to the table when Janna realizes ahri’s team has at least the hope of being reunited again and she doesn’t

2) Stuff I’m still not sure about: how the team died

-I’m thinking either it’s a madoka magica ep10 situation (when mami shoots kyoko). One of Janna’s teammates gets corrupted and they are forced to take her down. Then the corruption spreads and another member who freaks out and starts killing off the rest of the team until Janna is finally forced to end her last teammate,


- Syndra killed Janna’s team (but this would have to heavily depend on a Syndra’s portrayal and whatever new information they reveal about syndra and janna’s past and what her eyepatch means). This scenario is basically a copy of bishamon and yato’s rivalry from noragami. Janna’s team slowly got more and more corrupted and began hurting and corrupting her but she didn’t have the heart to fight back. Syndra somehow gets pulled in to help and wipes out her entire team without mercy, saving Janna’s life but Janna can’t ever forgive her

3) Just as an extra: I hc one of the members of Janna’s team was married to a regular human. Because I watched magical girl raising project and I’m still not over top speed’s death and it would bring an interesting angle of magical girls actually blending in with regular human society and interacting with characters that aren’t other magical girls


This might be totally wrong but given that I’ve seen people claim Pelor and The Raven Queen were assholes on top of some of the Asmodeus stuff… I think people may be mistaking “nice” for “good”.
