#it really would be even more tragic



Thought of the day:

I feel like the Fall of Anakin Skywalker would have been more tragic had he not killed the Tusken younglings.

Like, imagine the draw of events where you see Anakin slaughter the Tuskens and then corner those two Tusken Younglings against the wall of a tent, the glare of his lightsaber burning the shadows at sharp angles, the smaller of two kids clutching the ball they’d been playing with -

And then Anakin stops, even in his rage and grief, because this is wrong, this is too much, and he knows it.

This is a line he will not cross.

So he tears himself away, and takes his mothers body home, the children’s silhouette disappearing into the fading desert dusk behind him.

( We ignore the dubious odds of their survival after, alone in the desert surrounded by the dead- the crux was that Anakin would not go so far as to slaughter children.)

And then you have Order 66 at the end of the war, and he storms the temple, and it is the same scene all over again:

The Jedi Younglings cornered in the Council Chamber, two of them huddled at the fore, the glare of his lightsaber burning the shadows at sharp angles, the smaller of the two younglings clutching their little training helmet -

And you see it on his face, that line, that uncrossable line, just shattering.

You realise that this is the moment, the last possible moment to turn back-

And that he isn’t going to stop.


He doesn’t stop.



If your plan was to totally shatter my heart out of the blue in the middle of the lunch break, then you have succeeded. Well done
