#it was a delight



@gliphyartfan​ not sure if you’d be interested but you can haz this

Here is what I was talking about guys. Honest opinions, I mean it. This is my first time publishing any of my writing publicly. 

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@yandere-linked-universe (Look! Not yandere but still amazing!) ALL OF THIS!!! Oh my god! so CUTE!

Genuinely adore how Hyrule is basically like canon Sky but is really good at keeping it in his thoughts (well…better than Sky could any day)

And I absolutely adore when Hyrule’s fae side comes out to play, because it’s almost always obvious but in a subtle way!

The set up was amazing, and the story flowed very delightfully!

The conversations didn’t dull out at the end, a common problem with us writers when we try to wrap it up but run out of ideas.

I won’t lie, I was a bit giddy when she called him by his real name! Just grinning the whole time.

Honestly I’m ashamed of myself for not having the words to perfectly describe how wonderful reading this was!

Well done my friend!! Well done!


happy birthday to the rad, excellent, neat @main-chive!!! and thank you to @ratherstarryeyed for betaing!!

AO3 link!

Summary: Patton and Remus, through the years (or: 5 times Patton kissed Remus, and one time Remus kissed Patton)
Warnings: there’s a few instances of non-consensual kissing? (it’s more Patton smooches him without warning than Remus not wanting to be kissed), a couple suggestive lines
Wordcount: 2508

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