#it would be rude to upstage the artist with your outfit







what do I have to do to go to events where people are dressed nicely and there are plates of free cheese cubes

Go to the inaugurations of littlely known artists’ exhibitions.

We are always begging for people to attend, there actually is the “hack” to invite your whole family but tell them to pretend they don’t know you. People with money are more willing to buy your work if they think many people likes it, so your mere presence eating our cheese and canapes will be a great helps. Please bring whoever you want too.

Don’t mind if I do!

I will dress like an eccentric weirdo if that helps.

one time a pal of my pals was having a tough time selling their work in an art exhibit and called us up on the last day, ‘us’ being about 8 students who were Very hungry and also bored. We put on the nicest/artsiest clothes we had available (one dude had a legit fancy suit and put on some shades which were Bright Pink he looked like a movie star I swear) and rolled up to the show in pairs, separately. Fine Art Pal has some nice paintings! but nobody is really paying attention to them, so after getting some fancy cheese cubes in a manner that did not betray that we were actually a ravenous pack of starving students we casually wander around the show and then, fairly individually, drift to a stop by their work. Some of us even walked away, then came back a bit later ‘captivated’ by the art (it was actually really nice but recall we were all poor as shit and this was a help hustle). Our group’s interest naturally caught other folks, and eventually there was a small clump of about 15 people musing over this art, and within ten minutes the biggest piece had been snatched up by a shrewd investor. by the end of the exhibit every single piece was sold. It helped pay off the artist’s student debt and on that success they got into another exhibit! They’ve been doing well ever since.

So yes, please attend new artist shows, you get free cheese, get to look at nice art, and you can really help out people who deserve more attention.

YES! THIS 100% The opening night of small-time art shows, particularly for students, are an excellent place to a) wear some of your more out-there ensembles, and b) get free food and free/very cheap wine. It’s also encouraged to pause and say things like “Mmmm, yes, what an evocative juxtaposition”.

And if dressing up isn’t your thing, no problem! Classing it up might encourage buyers, but casual clothes are perfectly acceptable too. Art shows are a weird cross section of fancy people with money, us semi-feral art goblins, and proud but slightly confused parents.

Things I have personally worn to openings that elicited 0 comments:

-T-shirt and jeans

-Body hugging sequins

-Interview clothes

-Punk jacket with shoulder spikes

-Stained coveralls

So go nuts!

(I mean, also use your discretion. The weirdness threshold for student shows is high, but once you cross it you’re liable to be mistaken for one of the arts.)
