#it would work


p. control by prince just reminds me so much of josuke


you know what would be a fun little gay childrens book? Is like a fairytale of how Robert and Aaron met called, The Prince and the Mechanic. About the prince who lived in this big castle full of shiny and new things, and every possible luxury a boy could have. But then he meets the mechanic down the road, and they fall madly in love, but there are these evil hurdles (so like chrissie/lawrence chaddy/katie in this scenario could be evil) come between them, try to pull them apart. But in the end, love trumps evil and hate, and they get married have a little boy named seb and a little girl named annie and live happily ever after. Like it COULD be an actual childrens book?????? or. something. 


I would 1000000000% read or write this!

I could see a kind of Little Mermaid-esque spin on it too? Like maybe Robert wants to know what life is like outside his rich, posh, charmed world so he sneaks into the village (ok, kinda sounding like Princess Jasmine in Aladdin at this point which would totally work too) and he saves Aaron’s life in some way but then has to make a deal with a powerful witch to be able to spend time with him and like Ariel, he has his voice taken away but because he and Aaron are soulmates they just *get* each other because thier love transcends language? ajdkfkdja

Beauty and The Beast au also…..did someone say Ben/Jackson/Alex as Gaston? :P
