#its a friend



[image description: two images of my crocheted slugcat doll. The new tail is about three times as long as the old one. The old tail is very stubby, only a few rounds high, while the new tail is roughly as long as the rest of its body. There is a raised ridge where the tail was sewn on. end image description]

tail lengthening surgery! totally legal! totally free! i have a degree in this i promise. 0% fatality rate

i’m sorry i’ve been making this stupid joke everywhere but i think i’m funny so i’m subjecting everyone to it

i realized i didn’t put this on tumblr so on it goes as well. i screwed up the tail proportions and it bothered me, so i made slugcat a new tail and sewed it on. i did have to cut the old one off, which was nervewracking, but i found a way to ensure that it wouldn’t just unravel after i snipped it off. i was actually going to slide the new tail over the old one (once it was cut off) and sew it on like i would other things, but the stump started folding, so i switched methods and just sewed it end to end. so now slugcat has this thick scar around its butt where the new tail was attached. i kind of don’t like the look of it, but on the other hand, stuff like this adds charm, no?

it was a good exercise either way and i’m glad i had a go at it. it’ll probably never stop being scary to take a pair of scissors to an already finished project, but now i have the experience to know it’s not going to fall apart when i do, and i have ways to sew it back together. and i like the length of the new tail much better. it almost kind of looks like a regrown gecko tail, which is fitting because i adore geckos hdjdhs
