
*screams into the abyss*I don’t know if I’ll ever draw the van (or jfc even ATTEMPT to draw the garb

*screams into the abyss*

I don’t know if I’ll ever draw the van (or jfc even ATTEMPT to draw the garbage truck), but so far it’s a bit NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

But anywhoozle, I had fun with this and issa big mood for me right now
Close ups of characters under cut


I wanna go on a roadtrip with Donnie, plz u___u

Post link

bruh it’s the first time I have a drawing file that is TOO BIG for tumblr

nani the fuck

verothexeno:Got a new 2nd monitor I’ve had this desktop background for YEARS now and I’LL NEVER CHAN


Got a new 2nd monitor

I’ve had this desktop background for YEARS now and I’LL NEVER CHANGE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post link

Just scanning the interest here since I have more followers on this blog than anywhere else hreuhruehr. 

If I were to potentially create a Discord server for sharing workout videos, tips, recipes, and overall just having a friendly group/community for whoever wants to get on a healthy/training journey - would some peeps be interested?

I would mostly focus on workouts that can be done at home and mostly without equipment - but if you have some you can definitely add them!! Can range from 10 to 30 minutes videos!
The goal is to have fun and find ways to incorporate being active into your lifestyle. And to inspire one another

I want to point out that I am NOT a formed professional trainer nor dietician.
I’ve been training by myself for a couple of years now and I love when I can inspire people to do the same! So far I’ve lost around 40+ pounds by myself (my body is a bitch and is slow to burn that damn fat *shakes fist*) and I want to keep going for the look I’m aiming for :)

As I said, I’m just scanning the interest. No pressure.
Let me know what you guys think!
