#its all for naut

 The sound of water rippling and coursing through him, a roar of the ocean, and his mind began to sw

The sound of water rippling and coursing through him, a roar of the ocean, and his mind began to swirl, voices at first, fast and distant whispers cycling louder and closer before they crashed into his conscious of understanding.

‘Pod help! Pod help! You and calf help!’

Ch.100 of It’s all for Naut. Quick drawing to capture the moment.

Maybe I should make a tag for this story. 

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Just trying different brushes, fleet commander’s tattoos and Conner’s naut look (It’s all for Naut b

Just trying different brushes, fleet commander’s tattoos and Conner’s naut look (It’s all for Naut by icefireSpirit_Wolf). The eyes tattoo would be so much better than the chin one :\

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 He cried out as his back hit the stairs. He dropped his hammer as he was being pulled across the de

He cried out as his back hit the stairs. He dropped his hammer as he was being pulled across the deck, the sound of metal dragging loudly over wood. The Nauts parted and dove out of the way, a few tried to grab onto him or the rope but were unsuccessful. He heard Vasco’s voice scream his name, and he tried searching for his Naut captain but was unable too. 

Chapter 53 of It’s all for Naut by icefireSpirit_Wolf. Join the non-canon on ao3 :)

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No more ocean or nasty storms, just a wide open pasture full of rolling green grass.—Ch.130 It

No more ocean or nasty storms, just a wide open pasture full of rolling green grass.

Ch.130 It’s all for Naut, as a bit of a junicorn.

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…the Siren raised…herself? Himself? Up to the Naut’s height, a delicate finger h…the Siren raised…herself? Himself? Up to the Naut’s height, a delicate finger h

…the Siren raised…herself? Himself? Up to the Naut’s height, a delicate finger hooking his jaw and pulling Vasco’s attention back to him.

- Come to me, my Storm

Chapter 125, It’s all for Naut.

I guess, this can do as De Sardet’s mermay.

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Siren—I don’t know how the encounter will go but here is Conner preparing for the ch.122 :)


I don’t know how the encounter will go but here is Conner preparing for the ch.122 :)

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