#its been bleak yall








the way other people (esp non filipinos) are blaming filipinos instead of blaming the marcoses for their massive disinformation campaign & probable rigging of voting machines…. it doesnt sit right with me

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

Most Filipinos are victims of a massive, well-orchestrated disinformation campaign that has been going on for years.

Troll farms, various social media outlets, such as Facebook,Tiktok, and YouTube, and personal accounts managed by pro-Marcos social media influencers have greatly contributed to the massive spread of fake content and false narratives, in an attempt to rebrand the Marcos name and deem the martial law years as the “golden age” of the Philippines.

Filipinos are not uneducated nor uncivilized. Otherwise, thousands of protesters would not be on the streets, independent fact-checkers would not spend their time and effort debunking false information, and voters would not have waited till 2 am at voting precincts for their ballot to be processed.

It is truly heartbreaking that this is happening to us. We are constantly manipulated and gaslighted for a quick buck. Please consider these contexts first before you paint Filipinos as uneducated.

And yes! The Dutertes and the Marcoses (and other public figures) are very crafty in gaining sympathy. They are incredibly good at providing short-term solutions that are actually masking the true agenda of exploiting money and resources from the people, essentially bringing them down and silencing them.

All the infrastructures BS of Marcos Sr? Hotspots for under-the-table transactions.

The Anti-Terror Law? To eradicate those who are rightfully against this godforsaken government.

There are so much more happening, masked as something else entirely. And at the heart of this, is the goal of suppressing Filipinos in all aspects so that they will be ignorant and remain ignorant.

collected tags that are also very good:

#Honestly picture you this - you don’t have access to the internet #Your TV barely works #You’ve been fed information that you never questioned #It’s really hard to go against that unless everyone really is aware of all that #I think there’s a lot of importance with putting out information especially in the poorer neighbourhoods - and i can’t say if that’s done #Or not #So the system is a definite big factor - even if people got the gist #There’s no one who can really back them up with this information #No follow up #So why change votes? ( via @clanime)

#machines are rigged to hell and back it’s insulting how disgustingly obvious they make it #his teams are getting almost the same voting ratios and the rate of votes counted for him are constant instead of fluctuating #dont get me started on the machines that just so happen to break all at once ( via @teotoffee​ )

#THIS! THE PROBLEM IS IN THE EDUC SYSTEM THAT REWRITES HISTORY! IN THE ‘ALLEGED’ TROLL FARMS! #THE PROBLEM IS THAT IN HERE EDUCATION IS A PRIVELEGE RATHER THAN A RIGHT #AND THEY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE POOR! #it is a hell lot bigger than 'tanga ka pinas’ ( via @angel-bazethiel)for my non-tagalog speaking friends, ‘tanga ka pinas’ translates to ‘philippines you are stupid’

#its all very much classist #and it shows the ongoing ignorance people have about how disinformation campaigns work #there’s also smth ironic about people in the US and UK talking shit about people being taken in by all the wild smear campaigns #when random FB ads to this DAY have people taking horse dewormer over the actual covid vaccine #the Marcos family has a TON of resourses at their disposal to literally flood the feeds with nonsense #and we live in a world conditioned to be susceptible to that shit #its really a nightmare all around bc the Marcoses are monsters and Duterte is too ( via @babygirltouya)

#all the headlines from other countries #as a citizen i feel humiliated and upset because some of them are saying the truth #but its not like we as filipinos didnt try to boost leni #There was 1M people in her last grand rally before the elections #There were hundreds of thousands in the rallies before her last #Cultural artists endorsed her and performed for her rallies that are organized by common people who volunteered to do it for free #We’re talking celebrities!!! #We keep losing as people because the system is rigged ( via @rirk-ke)

#this was decades of disinformation and manipulation to the most vulnerable sectors. decades in the making #the foreign audience needs to understand the full context because 1) thats the least they could frigging do at this point if they #actually care about journalism and true reporting #and 2) we’re not an isolated case. this can happen to your country too. if the corrupt get their hands on ways to control information and #get rid of dissenting voices. they control the story and what people believe in. #foreign media does not get to act all high and mighty. this can happen to you too. (via@actualbird)

#what’s worse is the lower class who were the primary targets of manipulation and lies are probably the ones who will experience the worst #the blatant lying and corruption by the commision on elections too ( via @yeahlike)

#particularly salty by americans doing it because #my brother in christ #you colonized us a hundred years ago #your president harbored the marcos family on your shores #the social media platforms that enabled this disinformation campaign are owned by YOUR silicon valley ( via @katastrophicresonance)

just to add on as well,

the philippines was used as a testing ground for the propaganda strategies later used in US elections because of how lax the regulation policies are in the country, according to a whistleblower who worked in Cambridge Analytica. the philippines was taken advantage of, being actively manipulated since 2010, by foreign western forces (source). filipinos are not stupid, they’re not evil, they’re not people who want the worst for the country. they’re people being actively manipulated, in a place where it’s easy to be manipulated. they want the best for the country, and what’s best for the country is being tainted by lies, misinformation, and ill intent

yep! that’s also been previously mentioned in another reblog chain, thank you for adding it to this one too
