#its good for you







When you’re angry at the characters, the story is well-written. When you’re angry at the writers, it is not.

the presumption here is that audiences can tell the difference.

presuming they’re not children, the audience can usually tell. ex: when a character does something you don’t like - but it feels like something the character would do - you get mad at the character. when a character does something you don’t like - and the history of that character makes it unbelievable that the character would do that thing - you get mad at the writers.


The fact that you’re aware of the writer’s existence at all should be a clue. The writer should be invisible to you if they’ve done their job properly.

“The artist, like the God of creation, remains within or behind or beyond … refined out of existence, indifferent, paring his fingernails.” –James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man





with every episode it becomes clearer that kenobi was not written for the star wars dudebros who want to see darth vader and obi-wan kenobi duke it out. it is made for the ani and obi girlies who want to see their boys as pathetic middle aged men going through a divorce and as one of those girlies i am THRIVING

This why only y’all interested in the show like speaking as an outsider looking in, I wanna see mfs either never interact, or go absolutely bonkers with their fighting. It’s like imagine if Jotaro and Dio didn’t square up like they did in SDC? Jojo would’ve fallen off. There no action to keep me interested, and the characters really ain’t doing jackshi so as a non Star Wars stan what is there for me to watch? The visuals aren’t exactly innovative or beautiful either. Like yeah this yall show but that’s it

yeah you’re proving my point. it’s not for you. shut up and let us enjoy our content in piece :)

Your post has 5k notes but my response is causing you to not enjoy it in peace? My guy, fight scenes are important. The duel between Anakin and Kenobi in RoTS is iconic. The final duel between Vader and Luke in RoTJ is iconic. Nobody but y’all wanna see this weak asl lightsaber fight. Either give us good duels or make a story so good that mfs don’t even gotta fight.

the show has very clearly been marketed towards fans of the prequels and more specificly fans of obi-wan and anakin’s relationship. and that relationship is what the show is exploring, the mental exhaustion they’ve put on one another and how their mindsets have changed since the mustafar fight. the reason there’s no lightsaber duels is because that’s not the fucking point of the show; the point is about obi-wan trying to heal from his broken heart and vader/anakin demonstrating just how far he’s lost his mind to the dark side. it’s a battle of minds and emotions, not swords. lightsabers are cool but exploration of character’s mental and emotional states is also cool.

and bro trust me when i say i KNOW mustafar’s duel is iconic, i watch and listen to that fight all the time, but’s not what the focus of this show is. it’s the aftermath, what happens after the fight. 

“Nobody but y’all” ok well we’re a big audience. no one is forcing you to watch kenobi. sorry you’re disappointed with it, but rather than being pissy about it online, why not watch just ROTS and ROTJ again to get those saber fights you want, since you like those so much

and trust me, i’m enjoying it in peace just fine, i’m just fucking sick and tired of whiny people such as yourself complaining about not getting new content catered to them when they have so much older content doing just that. hope that helps :)
